Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Julie Hall
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
Admin Wall Repairs done.
Thank you everyone for you pateince with the pathways at the front of the school while we had the front wall repaired. Unfortunately the old panels in the wall were rusted (yes, they were metal) and were leaking into the kitchen and storeroom. Repairs are now complete and the front of the school is looking terrific.
Taking Photos of Students
Can I remind parents that while participating in a school event or on a school excursion or camp, it is NOT permitted to take photos of other children, even if requested to do so. There are legal and privacy regulations around this issue, so we would ask parents to respect this and limit their photos to their own children (unless asked to do so on behalf of a teacher for the school).
Parent Contributions
While not wanting to sound like a broken record, I would ask that parents again consider paying some or all of the Curriculum Contributions. At the moment we are looking at a sizable deficit (over $12,000) to the budget as we only have 60% of the community having paid.
Curriculum Contributions (Educational & Specialists) is the income that pays for all the additional resources the school provides, specifically all the software licences, classroom materials, games, sports equipment and uniforms, art supplies, musical instruments, etc. Without some support from the community we will have to cut back on expenditure in these areas which means students will miss out.
2025 Enrolments - Siblings
Do you have a child ready to start school in 2025 and have yet to enrol them? Please see the school office immediately as the enrolment process is well under way and with a new online system, you do not want to miss out. Enrolment applications are due at the end of this term. Please don't delay.
Reminder - Changed Process - Early Departure from School
Just a reminder that we have changed the process for Early Departure from school.
The office will no longer be sending parents over to classrooms with a departure slip to collect their child. We will be managing Early Departure from the office, making a call to your child's classroom, asking the child to pack their bag and meet their parent in the office.
Parents wishing to enter the classrooms must be there for a purpose, have checked-in at the office, have shown their WWC check and have a yellow ‘Parent Helper’ badge. Teachers have been asked to 'challenge' any other adult that enters the building if they do not have a badge.
Kevin Oakey
Mid-Year Parent Teacher Interviews and Reports
Don’t forget that we have our Student Free Day coming up on Tuesday 25th June so we can hold our Parent Teacher Interviews from 12.30 – 5.30pm. Mid-Year Student Reports will be published on Sentral on Friday 21st June and the Continuum Tracker will also be opened. Both of these documents will provide you with insight into how your child is progressing – we ask that you take the time to look through both carefully prior to coming to your interview.
Online Safety
As an eSmart school we are always working hard to teach our students to be smart, safe and responsible users of digital technologies. Below is a great resource for parents and carers to assist with navigating this space at home. Click on the image below to see the full article.
Julie Hall
Assistant Principal