
Saturday, 15 JuneFriends of Football Fundraiser – Bogan Bingo NightOn sale

Friends of Football Fundraiser – Bogan Bingo Night

Get your flannos out, start growing your mullet, and get ready for a night of fun and fundraising at our 'Bogan Bingo' Night! 


Don't miss out on this exciting event for a good cause. There will be heaps of prizes and games, a DJ, prizes for best dressed, and even an air guitar competition! #BoganBingoNight #SupportTCFooty

  • Date: Saturday, 15 June
  • Time: 
    • Arrival from 7.00pm
    • Eyes down at 8.00pm
  • Venue: Gibney Hall, Trinity College 
  • Cost: $50 per person, or $400 for a table-of-8
  • Refreshments: BYO table food and drinks

PSA Round 5

Round 5 of the PSA winter season sees Trinity come up against Hale in an away fixture.

Fixtures for the 1st teams are as follows:

  • Badminton – 9:00am @ Hale School Senior Gym
  • Cross Country – 9:30am @ Hale School
  • Football – 10:45am @ Craig Oval 
  • Hockey – 10:30am @ Hale School Hockey Turf
  • Rugby – 11:00am @ Brine Field
  • Soccer – 10:45am @ Soccer 1

Upcoming Sport Events/Notices

Week 6:

  • TC Bye – No training for all teams this week (1st teams may train)
  • Year 7 Wednesday training to proceed

Week 7:

  • Thursday 30th May – 1sts only fixture v Christ Church
  • Friday 31st May – PSA Surfing
  • Training this week – TBC
  • Year 7 Wednesday training to proceed

Week 8:

  • Monday 3rd June – No MS training (WA Day)
  • Tuesday 4th – Thursday 6th June - Training recommences for all teams
  • Friday 7th June – MS away fixture v Scotch
  • Saturday 8th June – SS away fixture v Scotch
  • No Year 7 training due to Retreat

Week 9:

  • Friday 14th June – MS Fixture v Wesley
  • Saturday 15th June – SS Fixture v Wesley

Week 10:

  • No Senior Training this week (apart from 1st teams)
  • Thursday 20th June – 1sts only fixture v Guildford
  • Thursday 20th June – Cross Country festival @ Aquinas
  • Friday 21st June – MS fixture v Guildford


Trinity Injury Clinic – Senior students only

The Trinity College Injury clinic will be running once again on Monday afternoons in M107. These are quick (5min) sessions with a WA SportsMed physiotherapist and are for injury assessment and diagnosis only from the weekends fixture. To book online for Trinity College injury clinic follow these steps:

  • Head to
  • Click on “Group sessions”
  • Select “Trinity College Injury Clinic”
  • Book into available session on relevant Monday afternoon with short sentence regarding issue (eg. Shoulder injury at 1st XVIII football)
  • You will be contacted by a WA SportsMed team member with a specific time within the 3.00 - 4.30pm time slot based on availability.
  • Note these sessions are for injury assessment and diagnosis only.  All treatments or rehab planning to be completed at the WA SportsMed facility.

This is for Year 10, 11 & 12 students only.