School Events

What's happening around the school this term?

World Environment Day Fundraising Success

Our Year 5 students organising the World Environment Day event raised an amazing $544.20c for Environment Victoria. 

Tiwa, Michelle, Amreen, Sadhika and Shanaya (L-R) spent many hours planning, marketing and then counting money. Their commitment to our Catholic Social Teaching of Care of our Common Home was displayed in their passion, enthusiasm and dedication!

What's coming up soon?

Whole School Events - Term 2 

*BOLD indicates no classes that day


Monday 10th June -  Monarch’s Birthday – School Closure – Public Holiday

Friday 21st June - Pyjama Day - Southern Hemisphere Shortest Day/Longest night

Friday 28th June -  Last Day of Term 2

Term 3

Monday 15th July - First Day of Term 3

 Monday 22nd July - St Thomas the Apostle Day Celebrations 

National Reconciliation Artwork by Grade 3s