Child Safe & Wellbeing

Child Safe Standard 1 


Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.


Child Safe Standard 1 in Victoria focuses on creating an organisational culture that supports child safety and well-being. This standard is crucial because it establishes the foundation for all other safety measures, ensuring that children are protected from harm in any environment, be it school, sports, or community activities. A key aspect of this standard is addressing and responding to racism. It's important to recognise that racism can significantly impact a child's mental and emotional health. By actively responding to and preventing racist behavior, organisations not only create a more inclusive and supportive environment but also help children feel safe, respected, and valued. 

At St Thomas we strive to make all people feel included. 

Each day school starts with an acknowledgment to country.  We fly three flags daily which represent the Aboriginal, Torres Strait and Australian story. Resources, books, artefacts, instruments and toys are purchased that represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders cultures and customs. This approach fosters their overall well-being and development, ensuring that all children have the opportunity to thrive without the fear of discrimination or exclusion. Whole school events are planned including our multicultural day to encourage students to share more about their mob and culture. Incursions and excursions are sought that will allow all children to learn more about Australia's history and culture.

At St Thomas we respond to any reported incidences targeted language following our school wide behaviour expectations. This poster is displayed in every classroom and a social story outlining the expectation is shared each term.