Class 4 News




For the past 3 weeks Class 4 have been busy discovering fractions! They have been slowly introduced to each new fractions topic throughout the weeks. Grasping the concept of broken numbers is for some children as uncomfortable and difficult to what they are inwardly experiencing at this time in their development. 9 and 10 year old's experience their previously close relationship to the world around them becoming different and more distant, and the exploration of fractions seems to meet them well during this time. The class have shown high levels of engagement towards the discovery of fractions; from the whole to parts, parts to whole and the principal of equivalency, it has been important for each child to deeply explore, connect with and understand the concept of fractions, before we move into the use of fractions arithmetically in Term 2. 


“…The melon was one, the world is one. The facts are plain to see, That in and about us all the world proceeds from unity” By Clifford Monks


