21st Century 

Learning Space

Library News


National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event that aims to encourage young children to read together and most importantly enjoy books. This year is the 24th year of the event. Each year a picture book is selected to be read in schools, libraries, and child care centres all over Australia and New Zealand on the same day at the same time. This year the Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students came together on Wednesday 22nd May to read Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker.


The publicity for Aura Parker says that she “is an illustrator, writer and designer who inspires imagination, courage and confidence in young readers. She works in watercolour, pen and coloured pencil, as well as digital techniques. Aura Parker’s storytelling through words and pictures fosters a love, curiosity and passion for nature and the environment. She is passionate about reading, art, design and encouraging children to be creative and brave.”


Bowerbird Blues is a lovely story. Bowerbird loves the colour blue. “Magnificent cobalt, brilliant, vibrant blue.” He collects everything he can find that is the colour blue. He soars through the marvellous blue sky. However something is missing in his life and as he collects blue things he discovers something important.  The students at Rowville Primary School thoroughly enjoyed this story. 




Thank you to the Shaw family for your recent donations. I’m sure our students will enjoy them especially the short stories included in the Classic Treasury: Fairy Stories and the Classic Treasury: Princess Stories. Thank you very much.



Please check Oliver (our school library cataloguing system) to see if you have any outstanding loans that need to be returned to school. Overdue letters and class lists are regularly given to classroom teachers. Please reply to the “overdue” letter as soon as possible. We have a number of students that need to finalise their overdue books. As previously advised access to Oliver is through Compass – School Favourites.  If anyone would like assistance, please come and see me. I am happy to help.



This week is National Volunteer Week (20-26th May, 2024). The theme this year is “Something for Everyone.”  I’d like to thank the many volunteers we have at school for giving up their time and putting a lot of effort into helping to make our school a wonderful place to be. Everything you do does make a difference. A lovely quote I came across was “Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!” Thank you.


Jackie Hicks

21st Century Learning Space Manager