What's Ahead


Monday 20-Friday 24 May


Canteen Week - any lunch orders purchased during Canteen Week will be placed into the draw to win a FREE lunch!

Friday 24 May


School Disco from 4.45pm - please see further details on Compass Events


Wednesday 29 May


Division Cross Country - selected students only. Please consent and pay on Compass Events
Thursday 30 May 

Year 6 Parliament Process Incursion - please consent and pay on Compass Events


Friday 31 May

Foundation Toy Technology Incursion - please consent and pay on Compass Events



Thursday 6 June


Year 5 & Year 6 District Winter Round Robin Day 1 - please consent and pay on Compass Events


Monday 10 June

King's Birthday Public Holiday - students do not attend school


Wednesday 19 June

Year 1 Healesville Sanctuary Excursion - please consent and pay on Compass Event


Friday 21 June


Year 5 & Year 6 District Winter Round Robin Day 2 - further details will follow on Compass soon


Wednesday 26th June


School Council Meeting at 7.30pm in Staffroom

Friday 28 June


Foundation & Year 2 Dance Performance 1.30pm at our school assembly


Friday 28 June

Final Day of Term Two - students dismissed at 2.30pm 


2024 Upcoming Student Free Days

Monday 16 September

Curriculum Day - students do not attend school


Friday 11 October

Curriculum Day - students do not attend school


Monday 2 December

Staff Professional Practice Day - students do not attend school


2024 Term Dates


School Hats

School broad brimmed hats are to be worn at school from 1 September through to 30 April as part of the School's Sun Smart Policy. Hats are available from our uniform supplier Spartan School World