Year 11 Outdoor Education

Pemberton Expedition Report

The two Year 11 Outdoor Education classes travelled to the Pemberton area in Week 5 to undertake their first expedition of 2024. The purpose of the 3–day expedition was to continue to develop and refine their bushwalking, navigation and camping skills. 

The group camped for two nights on the Bibbulmun track, at the aptly named “Boarding House” campsite on the first night and Greens Island campsite on the second. The group hiked between them on the second day and undertook maintenance of the track. Mazenod College is the custodian of a 5 kilometre stretch of the Bibbulmun Track and takes pride in maintaining this beautiful section.

The students demonstrated problem-solving and resilience and we now look forward to our mountain biking expedition.


Thank you to Mr Websdale, Mr Truss, Mr Migro and Mr Donaldson for assisting with the running of this expedition.


David Walczak

Outdoor Education Staff