Learning at St Columba's 

Assessment - Evidencing the Learning


Teachers at St Columba’s have focused on answering the question, "How do we know?" Understanding each student within a classroom allows our teachers to guide their teaching practices and provide the necessary support for student success. Our staff's awareness of each student's learning journey ensures that teaching strategies are tailored to meet individual needs.


The Semester One reporting process at St Columba's is designed to offer a comprehensive overview of each student's progress, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement in literacy, numeracy, and across curriculum areas. This detailed feedback not only provides you, as parents and caregivers, with deep insights into your child's academic journey but also encourages effective collaboration with our teachers. By celebrating achievements and addressing areas for improvement, we foster a supportive environment for student growth, ensuring that every child receives the support they need to thrive academically and personally.


It's also noteworthy that the reporting includes not only academic progress but also approaches to learning, which focuses on the skills of learning, and learner profile attributes, which reflect behaviors around learning. This holistic approach provides you with a well-rounded understanding of your child's learning journey and allows for more targeted support. St Columba's commitment to fostering a strong partnership between school and home. 


We hope you appreciate the time and commitment put into the reports provided by your child's classroom teacher this semester and have an understanding of your child’s achievements to date.  


Nicole Spence 

PYP Coordinator