As we approach the end of another exciting term, we are thrilled to announce that our STEM program will culminate in a whole-school mixed-age STEM Day on the final day of term. This special event will bring together students from all year levels to participate in a variety of engaging and educational activities.


Students will have the opportunity to explore and create electronic circuit dance mats with Makey-Makey, delve into the world of coding using Sphero robots, and unleash their creativity by designing artwork and sculptures with Lego. They'll also get hands-on experience building arcade games and costumes with Makedo, and engage in engineering and biomechanics activities that challenge their problem-solving skills.

We are incredibly grateful to one of our parents for their generous donation of a large collection of Lego, which has significantly enhanced our STEM resources and will be put to great use during STEM Day.


Looking ahead, we are excited to announce that next term, in Week 4, we will celebrate Science Week. The theme for this year is 'Species Survival', and we have a series of exciting activities and events planned to explore this crucial topic.


We look forward to seeing all our students enjoy and learn from these innovative and fun STEM experiences. Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm for our STEM program.


Miss Rachael 

STEM Leader 






STEM Club is open to all students each Wednesday lunchtime in the upstairs open area!