Principal's Message

Principal's Message – Week    Term 2

This week’s newsletter will be the last one for this term. I am sure that all families are looking forward to the upcoming two-week break. Holidays, whether spent away or at home, provide a chance to step away from everyday life and reconnect with the people we love and with ourselves. Studies have shown that a simple break not only helps build family relationships but also improves children’s learning and behaviour in school. Stepping out of our routine and away from technology is beneficial and healthy; it revitalizes and energizes us for whatever lies ahead.


There is no such thing as a quiet term in schools anymore, and this term was no exception. Our children have participated in various activities both in and out of the classroom. We’ve been involved in the ANZAC Day ceremony at the Elwood foreshore, Cross Country, the Year 5/6 interschool winter sports program, B Kinder Day, and Confirmation for our Year 6s. We celebrated 106 years of our school and celebrated St Columba’s Feast Day with a beautiful mass and a wonderful morning of fun activities. Our children excelled in the HOLT District Cross Country and the winter sports program. The Year 5/6 students visited the Space Museum to launch their Unit of Inquiry, a definite highlight for them this term. Our Year 3/4s have continued to work together through rich learning experiences that have benefited them both socially and academically. Preps, 1s, and 2s have headed out into the community on weekly walks to meet the local community and gather data in nature.


Our focus on Social Justice has been championed by our Year 5 Social Justice Leaders who hosted a Hot Dog Day for Sacred Heart Mission's Dine with Heart. They have also regularly started visiting the Sacred Heart Aged Care, forming wonderful friendships with the residents. Our Year 4s participated in an art project with the residents as well cementing our connection with the broader work of our Parish.


The social development of children is critical in an era dominated by social media. This term, we have focused on ensuring our children feel a greater sense of belonging and connection to their peers. The St Columba’s Kids program has been fundamental to this, with our children consistently playing together across multiple age groups in the playground as a result. Our emphasis on play, supported by four staff members acting as play coaches, is reaping rewards, with children playing more confidently and experiencing less disagreements during play.


Semester One reports will be sent home this week. I hope you will enjoy reading them as much as I did. What excites me when reading the reports is gaining a real insight into each child at St. Columba’s and their progress academically, socially, emotionally, and as learners. I am proud of the significant achievements and progress of all children. Our preliminary NAPLAN results confirm this, and I expect further academic gains and curriculum development in the second half of the year.


I am very proud of all the children at St Columba’s, not just for their academic achievements but also for their resilience, adaptability, and flexibility demonstrated this semester. The ability to adjust to change and respond quickly to evolving ideas, responsibilities, expectations, trends, strategies, and processes are key 21st-century skills. While the future is uncertain and will present its challenges, these skills are crucial, and I am confident our children are developing them, making them future-ready.


I would like to thank the staff for their thorough preparation of the reports. With assessment, report writing, and illness, this time of year is extremely stressful and busy for teachers. However, the staff at St. Columba’s handle it professionally. Teachers are looking forward to discussing your child’s progress further at the parent-teacher interviews later in Term 3.


As we head into the Term 2 break, I thank you, our families, for your support throughout this term. I am very proud of our ‘Little school with a big heart’ and believe we have faithfully enacted the spirit of our motto this semester. I wish you all a very pleasant break and look forward to seeing you at the start of Term 3, ready for what will be a very exciting term for our school community.


Stay safe and well over these holidays.