Semper Sursum Awards 

STEM        Addison Smith               Working well to identify properties of materials.

STEM        Mason Cahill                   His excellent work at testing materials to see if they stay in the new shape or go back to original.

3/4A         Emma Newns                Concentrating at all times.

3/4A         Louis Brook                     Keeping the class on task.

1/2B          Kobe Nepean                Always putting in 100% effort to all learning tasks.

1/2B          Cohen Colombo             Amazing use of our focus words in sentences.

5/6C          Bentley Graham           Providing detailed answers during our literacy unit.

5/6C          Akeisha Piper                 Good contributions during class discussions.

5/6A         Manaia Bremner          Outstanding deep thinking.

5/6A         Olivia Baulch                  Thinking beyond expectations.

1/2A         Rhonin Algar                  Working so hard on his doubles.

1/2A         Adleigh Aitken               Her excellent fluent reading.

3/4B          Nellie Kearney              Using great vocabulary in her sentences.

3/4B          Harvey Bennett             Wonderful problem-solving when using fractions in Maths.

Prep A & Prep B                                A fabulous 2 weeks of swimming at HILAC.

3/4C          Henry Meikle                 His amazing contributions to class discussions and fantastic listening.

3/4C          Olivia Schulz                   Her fantastic Mathematical understanding of fractions.

5/6B          Kobe Fitzgerald              Providing thoughtful comments in discussions on the book Dirrarn.

5/6B          Karl Ferguson                 Strong focus on his research about Wind Energy.

3/4A         Richie Alexander          His commitment to making decisions that benefit his learning.

3/4A         Anita Moore-Hayes    Having a red hot go with every task!

1/2C          Scarlett Wade                 Helping others in the class.

1/2C          Logan Overton               Excellent work in ‘interviewing the character’.

1/2D         Casey Ackland                Trying his best.

1/2D         Grace Perkins                 Always reflecting School Values.