School News

School Advisory Council, Music Lessons, Spark Tennis, Secondary School Applications

St Brigid's School Advisory Council

Did you know St Brigid’s has a School Advisory Council? This group of staff, parents and parish representatives meet twice per term (for an hour in the evening) and provide valuable input on school matters.


The following are some examples of the many ways the School Advisory Council may support the school and the principal:

  • Articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission
  • Promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
  • Promoting faith formation and development
  • Supporting school policies as required
  • Advising the principal on issues such as school improvement plans and enrolment trends
  • Engaging in discussions with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
  • Advising the principal about the school master plan
  • Providing capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal.


Below are some of the Key Achievements the Council has assisted with in 2023/2024:

  • Grass area
  • New Building
  • Grounds and maintenance
  • School uniform

We currently have openings for additional parent representatives. If you’re keen to join, talk to one of the members below or contact The School Advisory Team at

School Advisory Council Members
Brendan SchneiderChairperson
Mel DalyPrincipal
Father VincentParish Priest
Nicole GrechSecretary
Petrina O’GradyPrincipal’s Nominee
Troy FavaBuilding, Grounds & Maintenance Nominee
Iva Jeselnik Parent Representative 
Toni BloodworthParent Representative 
Natasha KellyParent Representative
Chris FranklinParent Representative

Music Lessons


Spark Tennis Lessons


Salesian College Year 7 2026