Sports Information

Katie Goddard - Sports Coordinator


Barraba was the perfect place to be on the 17th of May for the Diocesan Cross Country. Congratulations to Sam, Ivy, Elsie, Ellie, Grace, and Emily for representing Sacred Heart on the day and giving 100% to their allocated 2km and 3km runs.

Thanks to the amazing number of spectators, mums, dads, brothers, and sisters who came along and encouraged our runners during their races. A special thanks to Mrs Amanda Scott for looking after our little people and ensuring they were ready to race in their events in my absence.

From the following photos, you can see how much fun our children had!


Here is a video that demonstrates the outstanding team spirit and encouragement provided by the Sacred Heart children at the carnival:


Mr Andrew Frend from Zoom Athletics is back again this week to facilitate athletics skills to prepare students for our athletics carnival on Wednesday, 3rd July.  Thank you to the Australian Government's Sporting Schools Grant, which has allowed accredited athletics coaches to instruct our students in K-6.  Last week, the children were shown the basics of shot put. Mr Frend was very impressed and suggested that we had a few future stars. This week, we will develop our discus skills, and over the last two weeks, we will be walking down to Jubilee Oval for a session on Wednesday.


Year 6 ~ Shot put


Mrs Katie Goddard

Sports Co-ordinator