Year 5/6 Arts Centre Excursion
Thanks to an amazing and very generous anonymous donation from a SKiPPS family our visits to the Art Centre began in Week 5.
On the 20th and 21st May the Year 5/6s participated in a puppetry workshop at the Art Centre and a Philosophy session at the National Gallery of Victoria.
At the Puppetry workshop students worked in groups to create a puppet using butchers’ paper and they worked together to make it move. They had to create a scene using the puppet matching different styles of music.
At the NGV they discussed different artworks and the meanings and stories behind them. They learnt that art isn’t just about the level of skill involved in making it but the message and ideas behind the work.
I liked figuring out the meaning behind the anguish painting. We learnt that the painting might reflect on war and how humans can be cruel.
- Daisy
In the puppetry workshop we explored hand puppets. We worked in pairs and one person did the movements and the other did the voice. I worked with Emily, and I didn’t know what she was going to say so I had to respond quicky and be creative with my movements to match and make the puppet come to life.
– Rosa
There will be further excursions to the Art Centre and Gallery for Foundation, Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 in Term 3.
Keep a look out on Compass for more info.
Chantel Jose
Student Excellence Leader