A message from the Principal

School Swimming

In the next week you will receive communications from Compass and on paper regarding our 2024 school swimming program.


The program will be taking place shortly after after the upcoming school holidays. 


  • Year 3-6 classes will swim each day during week 2  of term (22nd - 26th July). 


  • Students in Foundation to Year 2 will take part during week 3 of term (29th July - 2nd August)


Classes will travel to MSAC each day for a 45 minute swimming and water safety lesson. 


We ask families to promptly make payment and provide consent on Compass for the swimming program and also to return a paper medical and consent form to their child's teacher.


Learning to swim is a vital skill for children to develop. Sadly each summer there are too many news stories of young people who lose their lives in and around water and, as a school, we feel we have an obligation to help address this issue and provide our students with the confidence and skills to stay safe.


During our program students will have the opportunity to learn how to swim and also develop lifelong skills in water safety to reduce their risk of drowning and injury.


By the end of primary school, it is anticipated that students should be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills identified in the Victorian Water Safety Certificate.

The certificate is awarded when a student can:

  • swim 50m continuously
  • answer water safety-based questions
  • perform simple rescues.

Swimming is an important component of our Health and Physical Education Program and it is an expectation that all of our students participate in the program.


Whilst there is a cost to the program, we have kept this as low as possible for families and our school swimming works out far cheaper than accessing private swimming lessons. To support us to do this, we receive 'Swimming in Schools' funding from the Education Department which allows us to subsidise the swimming program for our students. 


As always, we are determined that no student will miss out on the swimming program for financial reasons and are ready to support those families who may need financial help to allow their child to attend.


Neil Scott
