3/4TR Learning

During Term 2 , as part of the Inquiry Unit called the Blue Marble the students in grade 3/4TR, 3/4VA and 3/4SK have been learning about the importance of habitats for plants and animals.
The unit encouraged the students to think and act sustainably when they interacted with their environment. They investigated the climate, plants and native animals of the world’s major terrestrial environments. In doing so, they examined the characteristics that make each environment unique and the ways in which plants and animals have adapted to these environments.
As part of Family Engagement, students were asked to create a diorama of the habitat of an animal of their choice. Family members were encouraged to help the students create their diorama. Each student had to research and complete an information report of their chosen animal.
Following are just some of the great dioramas that the students made.
If you want a closer look, come for a walk along the corridor outside the grade 3/4VA and 3/4TR classrooms. Please, look but don’t touch.
The students in grade 3/4TR will present their dioramas at the week 11 School Assembly.