PFA News

School and Kindergarten Parents and Friends Association Meeting - Thursday 8th August 9am
The next PFA meeting will be a General Meeting on Thursday 8th August 2024 at 9am in the Davey Building Conference Room (school administration building). This is a great opportunity to meet new parents and staff, and a place where you can share your ideas for fundraising and how you would like to see the money raised to be spent on your children. All new and existing parents are encouraged to attend and toddlers are most welcome.
Pie Drive - Wednesday 26th June 2024
Thank you for the orders for the Golden Nugget Pie Drive. Orders will be available to collect from D2 from 3pm on Wednesday 26th June.
Car Parking Around the School
To ensure the safety of everyone at school, please be mindful of the parking regulations that are in force around school:
- No parking in the Staff Carpark, in "No Parking" areas, along the median strip or on our neighbours front lawns.
- Please do not drop or pick up any students without parking in a designated carpark space.
What does the PFA do? (rerun)
The PFA performs a critical function in raising funds for our young people, allowing us to purchase items such as new basketball rings, library books, docking stations, playground equipment, a cubby house, outdoor furniture, extra art room supplies, resources to support intervention, just to name a few. Wish lists are collected from both the teachers and the students, with funds being allocated to acquire the requested items when and where possible.
Funds are raised via various means, such as providing volunteers for Springfest, pie drives, sausage sizzles, Easter and Christmas raffles, Bingo and Parma night, Cadbury chocolate (and other similar) drives, the Second-hand Uniform Shop, Hot Cross Buns, and Special Lunches (Subway, Pizza, Sushi, Bakers Delight). The Mother and Father’s Day stalls are run as more of a service for the children, as opposed to a for-profit event. We are always looking for new ideas for fundraisers and have in the past tried lots of things to see what works and what doesn’t. Suggestions are most welcome and can be submitted to the office at any time.
Before COVID, the PFA enjoyed a healthy amount of volunteers for events, along with a fairly high attendance rate at the monthly meetings. Unfortunately, the past couple of years has seen numbers for both dramatically dwindle, leaving just a handful of volunteers working behind the scenes.
Consequently, we are appealing to our school and kinder communities to open their hearts (and calendars) to volunteer for an hour or two. You are not required to join the committee, nor attend meetings. If people could volunteer where possible to help with things like wrapping raffle and/or stall gifts, or man the BBQ at a sausage sizzle, it would be greatly appreciated. If every family did this just once a year, it would ensure the PFA continues to operate. We can no longer rely on the same few people to keep the show on the road.
Second-hand Uniform Shop
The second-hand uniform shop will be opening on a monthly basis from 3pm-3.20pm with all items priced at $2 each. The second-hand uniform operates out of the STEM Room (Blue Hall) in the Brady Building.
2024 Dates (Friday's):
July 26th, August 23rd, September 20th, October 18th, November 15th, Dec TBA
School Lunches – Monday and Thursday through
Lunches need to be ordered online through the website Please note: sauce is provided in each classroom. Some days, not all items are available or sell out quickly. We recommend to try and order as early as possible, with orders closing at 8.15am on the day of delivery.
Student Display Books ***Special Discounted Price $10 each***
Through the PFA, we also have Student Display Folders for sale for $10 each. These are great for storing your child's reports, achievement certificates etc. Both the Display Folders and Cookbooks are available from the School General Office.