Round the classes

Reception class: Jess
We have dived deep into term 3 with lots happening already. We welcome our new Receptions Rupert, Rosa, Hudson and Tye into our class. They have settled in so well, making new friends and finding their feet in the classroom. Our older receptions celebrated 100 days of school. As a whole class we gathered different items and sorted them into groups of 100. We worked out that the best method to do this was to make 10 groups of 10. Students worked in small groups and worked really hard together, showing great teamwork.
On Monday of Week 2 we enjoyed a teddy bears picnic outside. It was wonderful to be out in the fresh air talking to each other while sharing time with our teddies. Our class should be super proud of their efforts so far this term.
As part of our creative play this term we will be focusing on construction and building, so if you have any building items, we would love them for our classroom. Some items may include; nails, small wood pieces, hammers, pipes, helmets, safety goggles, drafting sheets, and washers.
Reception class: Kelly
A special welcome to Dylan and Jesse to our Reception class. It has been so great to see them settle in and the children in the class with routines and expectations.
We have started looking at the qu sound and the short vowel sounds a,e,i,o and u. The children are doing such a wonderful job with their sounding out and writing sentences. Some are even trying to write their own sentences now using the qu sound!
On Friday, we introduced the Olympics and we had the Year 2 class helping us create Olympic torches. We even got to run around the oval to celebrate the opening of the Olympics.
We have joined HASS with Stephen's Year 3 class and we are looking at mapping. It has been wonderful to see the year threes support the students with drawing images from a Birds Eye view and placing symbols on maps using coordinates.
On the 1st of August it was Swiss National Day. We were lucky to have Elliot's grandfather come and talk about how the Swiss celebrate this special day. The children got to see the cow bells and why cows wear them and Elliot's grandfather played the Alphorn.
Year 1 class: Jaya
What an awesome start to term 3 we have had! We have settled back in and are enjoying being back in routine and with our friends. A big part of our first few weeks has been the excitement that comes with the Olympics. As a class, we have been eager to learn about the different types of sports and races, and to watch little snippets of some highlights. On Friday of week 1 with Emma, the Junior Primary classes made Olympic torches and did their own relay laps of the oval.
As part of our maths learning, we have been looking at tables and how we can use tally marks to record data. We have been recording and tracking the gold, silver and bronze medals received by different countries and looking at teams sports and individual events. We have started to compete in some of our own games and events to record our own data.
If you were in the Olympics what sport would you do?
Luey: Archery! It's because I have a compound bow and I love shooting it into the hay bales.
Arlo: Swimming! Because I do swimming lessons.
Alfie: I would do skateboarding because you can flip down stairs.
Aishlyn: Swimming because I like going under the water.
Freya: I would do Gymnastics, because I like doing cartwheels and flips!
Year 2 class: Samantha
What an exciting start to Term 3 it has been, filled with Olympics fun across the school! We kicked off by teaming up with Kelly's Reception class to create our very own Olympic Torch. It was wonderful to see the students displaying their character strengths of creativity, teamwork, and perseverance as they supported their Reception friends in making the torches. To celebrate the start of the Olympics Opening Ceremony on Friday evening/Saturday morning, we went for a fun run around the school oval. The energy and excitement were palpable! Here are some photos of the event:
On Friday Week 2, we had a blast dressing up as our favourite Olympians or wearing Olympic Team colours! This day was extra special as we also completed our first Big Write for the term, titled "The Day I Became an Olympian!". The students' creativity shone through in their stories. Enjoy reading some of their work below:
In maths, we've been learning about clockwise and anticlockwise turns. We embarked on a hunt around the school to observe the directions in which various items turn. The students now understand what a quarter, half, and three-quarter turn is and can demonstrate these turns using materials and objects. This is all in preparation for beginning our new topic on 'time'.
Phonics lessons are a fun start to our mornings each day. The students have been working hard, and their handwriting is improving beautifully. Sam is extremely proud of everyone! Here is a photo of us showing off our learning:
Thank you for your continued support. Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!
Year 3 class: Stephen and Troy
The year 3s have started learning about Chance and Probability in maths. This involves being familiar with the language associated with the topic, including likely, unlikely, equal chance and certain. The students have focused on learning how to record the chance of events occurring, such as the chance of rolling a 6 on a die.
For English the focus has been on summarising fictional texts. This involves reading a text and then responding to it by stating what the author’s message is, what they as readers learn about the main character(s) and which part of the text is their favourite and why? The students’ goal is to see how a fiction text is summarised differently to a non-fiction text.
The students also completed a STEM challenge which was to make a bionic hand that could pick up items. The task was tricky to complete. The pictures below show the process.
Year 4/5 class: Alex
This fortnight students have been enjoying their reading groups. Students are reading one of four novels; Holes, Hatchet, Amulet or Charlotte’s Web. I have been impressed by their effort in thinking about the authors’ intentions when including different vocabulary choices and participating in discussions around how the authors are trying to capture the reader’s attention and want to make them read on. Some students have been pleading to read on further than the weekly chapters we are looking at. This is a good sign the author’s techniques are working!
Students have been collaborating in their groups to hunt back through the text to find evidence for inferred and literal meaning in the story. They have been making predictions and building on each other’s ideas. A classroom focus for us this week in reading groups and across other subjects too has been practising how to respectfully disagree with peer’s opinions, using evidence as to why they think something differs and kindness in their tone and phrase choices.
Indonesian: Ibu Susan
In Indonesian we have started our new topic about food (makanan) which includes lots of new words. This topic includes learning about traditional foods in Indonesia too.
The younger students also watched and copied morning exercises done by school children in Java. They did a great job and felt ready to learn afterwards.
We have also welcomed our new teddies, Wayan the Anjing (dog) and Made the Monyet (monkey).
PE: Troy & Emma
This fortnight during lower primary PE we have been utilising the paddle bats. Students focused on accuracy, reflex and hand-eye coordination. The highlight was a game called ‘Paddle Bat Golf’, whereby students had to tee off from any line in the gym and see how many hits it took them to land their ball inside hoops. During this game we practised spatial awareness and built upon our personal best achievements. - Emma
In PE students have been learning tee ball. We have been making the most of the sunny weather. Over the past two weeks students have been focusing on the fundamental movement skills of throwing, catching, fielding, hitting and running. This week students were learning the concept of running and throwing the ball to first place. Over the next two weeks we will be participating in more game-based situations. - Troy
Science: Philippa
Species survival is the 2024 Science Week theme so this will be woven into some of our biology lessons for Term 3.
In Week 1, Sallie and Alex's classes completed their Term 2 Earth and Space unit of work with satellite drawings and models.
For the rest of Term 3, all classes will learn about various aspects of animals and plants. Two animals that will feature are seahorses and the migratory shorebirds, Bar-tailed Godwits.