Principal's message

Term 3 - 2024

Reflection on Term 2

It has been another very successful term at CSC, which is largely underpinned by consistent teaching and learning that has been occurring in all classes. The continuous embedding of our School-Wide Instructional Model, which includes Berry Street Education Model strategies, will remain an ongoing strategic focus for our college, which outlines the concept of continuous improvement. As the college principal I am very reflective of my own practice, identifying areas of strength and those that require improvement. I promote and support this growth mindset approach with all staff, always keeping student outcomes at the centre of our thinking. 


On the sporting field we achieved some great success, with the Intermediate Girls and Intermediate Boys Soccer Teams progressing through to the State Finals, which will be conducted in September.


Our Music Team enjoyed great success at the Generations in Jazz Competition held in Mt. Gambier. The Stage Band did exceptionally well, winning their division at this event. This was such a great achievement considering this was the first time CSC students had participated in this event, and that many competing schools were from the private education sector. 


The music students also delivered an outstanding performance at the Annual Music Concert, with a packed audience of students, families and community members enjoying every minute of this event. I extend my sincere gratitude to all involved, including the music staff, students, additional staff who assisted on the night and families who supported their children in the lead up to the event, a real team effort. 


During the term we had many successful extra-curricular activities take place, which included the following.

  • Year 7 Campaspe Downs Camp
  • Conducting of Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN
  • Completion of the Attitudes to School Survey
  • Music Camp
  • Continuation of the Blue Edge Program
  • Year 11 Mental Health first Aid Training
  • Steiner WOW Camp and presentations
  • Year 10 and 11 Mid-Year Examinations 
  • Many sporting and outdoor education events. 

School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support - positive recognition system

During Term 3 we will be starting our positive recognition system, which will focus on recognising positive student behaviour that links to our college values. This process will involve instantaneous parent / carer notification when their child receives positive recognition. More information will be distributed during the first few weeks of term 3. 

Buildings and Grounds Update

The Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee have been focussed on the improvement of our external facilities, which includes the redevelopment of several sporting areas, with a priority focus being on the redevelopment of our oval and soccer pitch. We will be engaging professional services to design a Site Development Plan, which will clearly outline our long-term vision for our physical environment. 

2025 Course Counselling 

The 2025 Course Counselling Sessions will occur during the following times. 


Week 2: Presentations to Families (with an additional session occurring in Extended Mentor), Wednesday 24 July.

  • Yr. 9 into 10 - evening session @ 6pm 
  • Yr. 10 into 11 - evening session @ 7pm 

Week 3: Presentations to Families (with an additional session occurring in Extended Mentor), Wednesday 31 July.

  • Yr. 8 into 9 - evening session @ 6pm
  • Yr. 11 into 12 - evening session @ 7pm 

After attending these sessions, we acknowledge some students and their families may wish to book an individual appointment to discuss some finer details of the process. Information relating to individual course counselling sessions will be shared during the Information Sessions.

Subjects Selections Due: Wednesday 14 August


Leanne Burns will be taking leave from Monday 5 August and will be replaced by Jenny Larsen. 


Alana Wearne will conclude her time at CSC on Friday 26 July, as she has accepted a position with the Department of Education’s Respectful Relationships Team. We are very appreciative of Alana's positive contributions to our college throughout this year and wish her the best for the new role. 


Literacy and numeracy focus 

Students and families of Year 7 and 8 are reminded to complete their weekly literacy and numeracy homework throughout Education Perfect. Improving literacy and numeracy skills are beneficial for all students, and developing good homework habits is beneficial for improved VCE performance. 

Any parents who would like support with understanding the requirements of the homework task should contact your child’s mentor teacher or contact Sharon Rossiter (numeracy Learning Specialist) or Sarah Ward (Literacy Learning Specialist). 


Families are reminded that XUNO is the main form of communication used by our college. Families must download the XUNO Family application to your phone and should ensure notifications are turned on. XUNO is also used to check student attendance and access reports. The college will distribute a newsletter at the beginning of each term, which will be distributed via email. Families and students are also encouraged to check XUNO daily, monitoring their attendance rate and checking for announcements that may be relevant for them. 

Student Attendance 

Students should aim to have attendance above 95%, which is no more than 2 days absent per term. If families need assistance to maintain high attendance with their child / children, please contact the mentor teacher to discuss supportive strategies. The following information has been provided by the DET. 

Key Dates

  • Monday 15 July is a staff Professional Development Day (student free).
  • Tuesday 16 July Term 3 classes will commence.
  • Monday 29 July VTAC opens for VCE students.
  • Friday 2 August Year 11/12 School Formal 6-10.00pm



Justin Hird 
