Building our Community

AGM and Joining the Association
The AGM is a key event in the school calendar, and it was wonderful to see so many of our Association members join us this year!
The evening commenced with worship lead by our Secondary Music teacher & Instrumental coordinator Tristan and newly appointed Board member, Gabi. We always treasure the opportunity to join and lift our voices in praise to the God who has blessed us with our incredible school.
In a ‘you had to be there to get it’ moment, Dr. Gerry Beimers and our Board Treasurer, Rob Lichtendonk hosted the inaugural MECS ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ to wrap up the financial reporting segment of the evening and test the audiences’ listening skills.
Raucous laughter rippled through the gym as the contestants called a friend and sought answers from the audience.
The AGM also presents an opportunity to weigh in on matters that require the Association to vote. On the agenda was to vote on the matter of introducing a new Board member, Gabi Gulay. We are pleased to share that Gabi has now formally been voted in to join the Board and we look forward to the contribution she will have.
We also took the opportunity to acknowledge the faithful tenure of Dr. Gerry Beimers to the MECS community, first as a parent and then in the last 16 years, as a staff member. Gerry has contributed to the legacy of our school, and we wish him well as he prayerfully considers what the next season of his life will be. He made mention that the idea of a book has been bubbling away in his mind so stay tuned and you might see the name ‘Dr. Gerry Beimers’ in a bookstore near you in the coming years!
If joining our Association is something you have considered or has piqued your interest, please reach out to our Community Relations Officer, Jenny Taylor at to find out more information.
We look forward to seeing our Association at the EGM in October.
Save the date - Thursday 17 October!
Grace Sketcher
Teaching & Learning Executive Assistant, VASS, VCE Exam & Marketing Coordinator