Holy Cross News and Reminders

What's happening next week...

Monday 24th June 
Tuesday 25th June 
Wednesday 26th June 
Thursday 27th June 
Friday 28th June

Uniform Shop open 8.30am

Whole school wellbeing activity day led by Yr 5/6

Last day of Term - 2:30pm finish

News and Reminders

  • Friday 28th June is the last day of Term 2, children are invited to wear House Colours. School will finish at the earlier time of 2.30pm. Buses will cater for the earlier finish with the exception of the Gisborne Transit Bus. 
  • Congratulations to Isabella, Jameson and Finnan Howley, James Dwyer, Oliver Spiteri and Adrian Avenell on competing in the Regional Cross Country event at Brimbank yesterday. A brilliant effort by all and some have now made it to the state level to be held next term.
  • Assembly today at 3.00pm.