Kharisma Kids - OSHC 

Vacation Care - July school holidays

Kharisma Kids Vacation Care


With only a few weeks to go until the July School Holidays, a reminder to parents and families that our bookings for the Vacation Care program close on Friday June 21st.


We can only accept bookings after this date if we have any vacancies and you have confirmed those vacancies are available with Rob or Lucas beforehand.


Join us for 10 days of fun filled activities including two special excursions to Strike Bowling and Inflatable World.   Eat some delicious warm lunches sitting around the table whilst chatting with your friends.


Some of the special activities these holidays include:

Sleeping eye masks

Tye Dying Pillow cases

Grass Heads

Designer Tote Bags

Crafty Dioramas

Creative Canvas Creations

No Water Cactus


All fees are subsidised by ChildCare Subsidy (CCS).  Daily Fees from $6.57 per child


If you have not enrolled yet, our enrolment process can be started via





For more information see our website or come speak to Rob or Lucas in LS1 before and after school.



Rob, Lucas, Marlene and Sarah

The Kharisma Kids Team