From the Principal

Disco FEVER!!!
Last Friday night, we got the long weekend off to a roaring start with not just one but two DISCOs!!! Right on time, the doors opened for our first Junior Disco. Our juniors arrived sparkling and looking sensational in their disco best. They were ready for an awesome evening. The lights turned down and the FUN began.
The Junior Disco was followed by a SENIOR Disco and the seniors were just as excited for a great night. There were glow sticks splashed around and everyone looked sensational. Our DJs did a great job with music by request, games, songs, dancing and even a smoke machine and lights to dazzle and impress us all. The seniors were right into it and there were some great moves to be seen in the midst of cheering circles, with attempts to showcase moves and out do each other.
A huge thank you to our P&F executive led by Lourdes, for their coordination of the entire evening. Their set up, supervision, dismissal and pack up were all carefully and effectively executed. Thanks to the parents who also followed the instructions and made the evening flow. Our first DISCO in our new hall was a huge success.
Our REGIONAL Stars Excel!!
We are so proud of Prue, Jax, Remi and Andi for representing our school and themselves by qualifying for the Regional race. The Southern Metro Cross Country Races were held on Wednesday. It was a cold and windy morning as they headed out to Hastings. They all had trained and were ready to give their BEST. Despite a few nerves, they did exactly that and we are super proud of each of our STARS. Well done. Thanks Lulli for all the training sessions to help them prepare and thanks to the parents who drove them out to Hastings and back.
Congratulations ANDI!!!
FIRST Place!!
Andi came FIRST, eclipsing her competition. This is an extraordinary achievement. For the last three consecutive years, Andi was placed in the Southern Metro Cross Country Races she has participated in. For the third year in a row, Andi is off to run at the State Cross Country Championships. Andi has the opportunity to go on to the Nationals if she places. In 2022 and 2023, Andi went to the Nationals. We wish Andi the very BEST as she prepares for this race and the opportunity to race for Victoria in the Nationals.
We are witnessing something extra SPECIAL!!
It has been a BIG couple of weeks for Andi. She has been participating in selection trials. We are delighted to learn that Andi has been selected to play for Victoria in the under 12/13 age group. It is a massive achievement to get selected at this level. Andi has not just been selected for one sport this week but has been selected for both the two sports she tried out for!!
Congratulations Andi on your selection for the......
Victorian Basketball Team and
Victorian AFLW Team
Safety Alert
Please check your child's medical information and emergency contact details on Operoo and ensure that it is all up to date.
This week our teachers have been checking the medical details of children who have medication stored at school in case it is required. The teachers regularly do this check. We looked at Operoo and checked that medical plans if required, are current, that Medication Authority is current and any medication that we hold has not passed its used by date.
Some parents were contacted this week to update their child's plan, or authority or even provide us with new medication. We ask that you please do this promptly so that we can properly care for your child. Please contact us if you have any problems getting this task organised by next Friday 21 June.
All parents please note that teachers are not permitted to take any medication from a parent unless we are provided with a medical authority form signed by you and a doctor. Please see the following MACS Policies that are also on our website and linked for your reference.
Medication Policy extracts
Authority to administer medication at schools
MACS schools require written advice about the administration of all medication within the school environment and during school activities (over the counter or prescription) through a Medication Authority Form (MAF). The MAF must be signed by the parent/ guardian/ carer, and where required as outlined below, also by a medical/health practitioner.
The principal or their delegate must approve all ongoing and regular administration of medication (over the counter or prescription) by the school and in most cases, medication must not be administered to a child being educated and cared for unless the administration is authorised by an AHPRA registered medical practitioner or pharmacist.
Medication Administration in school environment and during school activities
Parents/guardians/carers have a responsibility to provide all medication in the original container with the original label including the name of the student, information on the dosage, storage requirements, method, and time to be administered.
School Fee Statements
Fee statements went home this week. Please check your child's school bag for your statement. We encourage all families to pay their fees via direct debit to stream line fee collection and save on unnecessary task . For families that have not yet set up payment installments please contact the office to get a direct debit / credit card form. In 2025, we will be moving to a more green collection by paperless statements and direct debit collection of fees.
Interviews are being held for Prep 2025.
We have tours nearly every morning at 9 am.
Help promote our school and share stories of the great learning and extra curricula opportunities we provide.
Word of mouth stories about our great school community is the BEST promotion.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Christine White