Our committment to Child Safety


We are currently reviewing our Child Safety Statement of Intent as we are committed to the safety and well being of the children in our service and it is part of our commitment to the Child Safe Standards.


To view our current child safety statement and/or give you feedback please use this link:




ROAR Australia is committed to the prevention of abuse on children through education on Personal Safety. Our programs are based on Protective Behaviours Themes:

‘We all have the right to feel safe at all times’ and

‘We can talk to someone we trust about anything, no matter what it is’


Every child has the right to feel safe at all times. Each year however, thousands of children across Australia experience abuse. It is estimated that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be subject to some form of unwanted sexual activity before the age of 18 (Australian Institute of Criminology).


Educating children, parents, teachers, educators and other individuals in the community with an evidence based, early intervention program, significantly reduces a child’s vulnerability to all forms of abuse, including family violence.  We believe that a three-way partnership between school, home and the community is the most effective way to deliver a consistent message about Personal Safety 4 Kids.


Often parents and teachers focus on the issue of “stranger danger” when teaching personal safety to children. Statistics show that over 90% of children that experience abuse know and trust the perpetrator (Australian institute of Health and Welfare 2000-01).


ROAR Australia programs provide tools and strategies that empower children to help reduce their vulnerability to abuse and unsafe situations. We believe that from an early age, children need to learn that their body is their body and no-one has the right to touch it inappropriately.


The student program content includes:

Feelings and emotions

Know the meaning of consent

Recognise safe and unsafe feelings

Early warning signs

Identify and use correct anatomical names of the private parts of their body

Safety Network of trusted adults should “tell” if they are feeling worried or unsafe


Q & A


We look forward to delivering our KidsROAR session to your child.

Kids Roar


The program has been carefully designed to be age appropriate. All teachers and 4 year old educators have attended a professional development session including on the learning content that will be provided. Please speak to your child's teacher for any question or view more information on the Kids Roar website here.