From the Principal

Farewell and Good luck

This week, the Secondary School formally said their farewell to Mrs Victoria Turnor, Head of Secondary, before she embarks on new adventures beyond the school gates.


Victoria has served the school with distinction and an excerpt of the assembly address can be found below.


On Sunday, we farewell our Country Week team as they head to Perth for a week of fixtures and fierce competition. This year, GSG is taking a team of 118 students, an increase from previous years. The team has been elevated to the Tier 1 competition.


We wish the staff and students the best of luck for a successful week.



Today is a special farewell to Mrs Turnor – but it really is a goodbye rather than a farewell. This is not a permanent departure because once part of the GSG community, you always remain of the GSG community.


Mrs Turnor has served this place with distinction, as a Mathematics Teacher, a leader, a mentor and friend. She has taken up residence here at Grammar for the past 13 years and we are all so very thankful she came and stayed a while.


I have only known Mrs Turnor for a very short period of time. However, I have come to understand what drives her, what gives her joy and what has given her purpose in life.

That is simply, you! Every student gathered here today.


Mrs Turnor has been here for you each and every day. 


She has put you at the centre of all she has done and more often than not, putting your needs before her very own.


Mrs Turnor has given every part of her being to the vocation of teacher, leader, mentor and coach. 


She has held students and families together, dragged students over the finish line at the end of Year Twelve, provided direction to staff so that they might be better and provided hope in what might have seemed a hopeless situation.


Mrs Turnor has never, ever given up on any of us.


We wish Mrs Turnor, her husband Allan, children Holly and Heath every success for the adventure that awaits them.


Mrs Turnor, you go with our deepest appreciation and richest blessings.


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal