Grade 3 and 4

What's Happening
What an amazing few weeks we have had in the 3/4 classes, as we make our way towards a well deserved break. Our 3/4 students have been exploring many exciting things across all learning areas including measurement, shape, working collaboratively, working on navigating tricky emotions and being a kind, caring and responsible member of our 3/4 and greater school community. Watching the growth in learning and respect in all our students is wonderful, and we will continue to focus on this in our term 3 CBL topic of 'Respect.'
Our focus on Country has been a wonderful opportunity for our students to explore our guiding question of "What can we learn and take forward from First Nations people, history and culture?" Students have been busily researching and preparing information, and writing a biography on a notable Indigenous Australian to share with our community during our open afternoon. The excitement and engagement in this project has been wonderful.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
It has been a hive of activity back in the kitchen space and enjoying the new garden areas. Our classes made some delicious Minestrone Soup and Flower Pot Bread. The students have developed some wonderful skills around planning, preparing and serving food and also enjoying the shared dining experience with each other and our amazing helpers. The 3/4's have worked to neaten and organise the area in the chicken coupe, moving cuttings and branches creating more space for the chickens to roam.
Hoop Time
On Monday 24th of June, many of our 3/4 students has a fantastic day representing Wonga Park Primary School at Hoop Time. Thank you so much to our parent coaches and helpers that made the day even more special, the students had so much fun and showed amazing team work, resepect, collaboration and friendship. Thankyou to Mr Holland for organising such a wonderful event.
Open Afternoon
Our students were excited to share their Notable Indigenous Australian projects with their families and our school community as part of our focus on 'Country' and showcase our 'Deadly Wall' 3/4 collaboration. It was wonderful for our students to have the opportunity present and discuss all of their research and celebrate their work.
School Holidays
The 3/4 team wish all of our students and families a wonderful break. Enjoy the time relaxing, reconnecting, going on adventures and having fun. We are looking forward to sharing lots of fun and exciting times in the second half of the year.