Grade 1 and 2

What's Been Happening
Our classrooms have been a hive of activity and energy throughout this term. Our students have grown and learnt a huge amount! Below is just a snapshot of some of the fun!
CBL - Country
This term has been a wonderful chance to discover more about ways that we can care for Country. We have considered aspects such as caring for our neighbourhood, rubbish in our school yard as well as a strong emphasis on learning from First Nations people and the ways that they have cared for Country for over 65,000 years. We took time to celebrate Reconciliation Week and each of our classes each made a 'Deadly Door'. Each door is different and unique as students had agency to choose how they wanted to create it.
In concluding this unit of work, all of the Grade One and Two students took part in a very special afternoon of sharing with each other how to care for Country and why it is so important to them. This was a lovely chance to connect with other students across our two year levels.
Open Afternoon
We hope you had a chance to visit your child's classroom and celebrate the learning all of the students have done this term. We all enjoyed a special assembly and ribbon cutting ceremonies of our new play spaces and gardens.
We, as a team, want to wish you the very best this holidays. May you all have the chance to read the very best books, enjoy time with your family and have the greatest adventures, near or far. Stay warm and we look forward to a wonderful Term Three! See you then!