
New Play Space
It was a very exciting day when the fences came down from the new play space outside the Prep rooms! Prep students were the first to access the space and it was a very joyful moment - there was lots of laughter, shrieking and happiness!
It has been delightful to see the way that students have been using the space during recess and lunch play times. Preps have loved to take out notebooks and pencils to write and draw, roll down hills, or to just sit on the bench seat and chat. How lucky we are to have such beautiful play places in our school.
Transforming the Prep 'Welcome Garden'
On Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th June, Prep students, teachers and parents got busy in the Prep Welcome Garden (previously the Imagination Garden). Transforming the Garden to acknowledge Country was the Challenge for our CBL Big Idea. Prep students were involved in raking, mulching, planting, painting, filling the sandpit with sand and much more. We are so proud of what was achieved over the two days! We couldn't have done it without the following people:
-Jonah Read, for supplying the new signage and special art work installations around the garden including the Welcome sign, kookaburra bird feeder, fire pit and stools, and the goanna log
-Kristy Salisbury, for making the stamps to paint the planter boxes
-Mr Crawford, for all of the heavy lifting, gardening and repairs (and so much more!)
-Mrs Crawford, for her vision in making beautiful spaces come alive!
-Jono (Mrs Dimitriou's friend), for donating 70 native plants (from My Plant Market in Mt Evelyn)
-Prep families, for donating 'wish list' items
-Grade 6s for helping to move the remaining sand and mulch, and a special shoutout to Ashlyn and Molly for painting the boards over the mud kitchen
We would also like to extend much gratitude and appreciation to our parent helpers:
Rachael Lloyd, Jorja Trewella, Bec Clark, Allison Thompson, Shelley Smith, Kate Easy, Lisa Modrich, Stephanie Orders, Sorrell Robinson, James Rippingale, Breannon Jarchow, Jacqui Smith, Bec Stewart, Nikki Long, Mia De Jager and Jessica Chudleigh.
Without your help, the Preps' vision for their garden wouldn't have been completed to such a beautiful standard. We appreciate your hard work so much!
Photos: A work in progress
Photos: Complete!
Open Afternoon
We were excited to open our classrooms to celebrate our learning about Country on Thursday afternoon. In the Prep rooms, we ran three different activities about Country. In Prep A, the Dreaming story of Tiddalik the Frog played on the screen, while people made their own Tiddalik frog. In Prep B, we collaged a Wurundjeri seasons wheel. In Prep C, we traced our hand and created Aboriginal inspired artwork with dots and paint.
It was also a great time to look at the Deadly Doors on display around the school, and explore the new and improved play spaces.
Thank you to everyone who came and celebrated a great term of learning. What a terrific send off into the school holidays!