2024 Staff and Lines of Communication

2024 STAFF

Please use this page as a reference throughout the year 



Julie Crawford


Assistant Principal

Adele Brice


Learning Specialists

Terri Gioia (Curriculum) Mon-Wed.

Rachel Barnes (Wellbeing) Thurs and Fri.


Business Manager

Kerry Davenport 


Lesley Grimley

Natalie McKinnon (Wed.)


Foundation Team

PA – Elle Powell (TeamLeader)

PB - Natalia Dimitriou

PC - Julie Barnden & Rebekah Reynolds (Wed.)


1/2 Team

1A - Miranda Radtke (Mon-Thurs) & Emma Broadhurst (Fri.) 

1B – Natasha Tymensen (Team Leader)

2A - Cindy Norman

2B – Jocelyn Hollyman (Wellbeing School Leader)

1/2C – Anita Beever


3/4 Team

3A - Jenny Barr (Mon-Thurs) & Rebekah Reynolds (Fri.) 

3B – Katherine McGreevy

4A - Kylie Sledge

4B - Bridie Archer (Mon-Wed.) & Jade Lethbridge (Thurs & Fri.) 

3/4C – Sharmini Philp (Team Leader)


5/6 Team

5A – Lauren Goodwin (Mon-Wed) & Terri Gioia (Thurs & Fri) 

5B – Emily Leydin

5C – Rachel Barnes (Mon-Wed) & Carly Pike (Thurs & Fri) 

6A - Nina Gridchin

6B – Jonah Read

6C - Meryl Archibald (Team Leader)


Specialist Team

Auslan - Nathan Percy

Phys Ed – Sean Holland (Team Leader) & Nathan Percy

Performing Arts – Tim Phillips

Sensory Gym - Sean Holland

STEM – Anthea Sampson, Emma Broadhurst & Nathan Percy

TLI and Extension (Mon-Thurs) – Clare Collins

Visual Arts - Kristy Salisbury 

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program Grades 3&4 (Mon/Tues/Thurs) - Dimi Mioni


ES Staff

First Aid  - Julie Evans

Wellbeing Support - Laura Kennedy (Mon - Wed.) 

Georgette Hosking

Wendy Allison

Julie Evans

Danielle Collins

Elli Grasso 

Jess Crea


Lines of Communication updated June 2024


Class Messenger/What's App Groups

Messenger/What's App Groups are informal groups where parents can share information related to their child's grade. When contributing to the conversation in this group, please observe the following:

  1. This group is a closed group initiated by parents and is not an official Wonga Park Primary School group.
  2. All members are solely responsible and accountable for their transactions and opinions. Group chats do create a digital footprint, meaning information can be shared beyond this group. 
  3. Photos of children should not be shared or posted.
  4. Any matters relating to school operations should be directed to the school.
  5. Please show respect for one another, WPPS staff and other members of the WPPS community.