From the Assistant Principal 

Adele Brice

Hi everyone, 


For this edition of the newsletter, the following information is shared with you;

  • Disability and Inclusion 
  • NCCD Collection of Data information for parents
  • Lines of Communication update
  • Partnering with Parents 
  • Childsafe
  • Upcoming Childsafe Volunteer Training session details
  • Cyber Safety update - eSafety Commissioner and Cyber Safety Project
  • Arrival time in the school grounds/End of day Dismissal time arrangements from Term 3
  • Other
  • New school uniform items at PSW
  • Partnering with Parents - Benefits of a strong parent-school relationship

Disability and Inclusion

NCCD Collection of Data

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts:

  • the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability
  • the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability. This ‘help’ allows them to access education on the same basis as a child without disability. The NCCD uses the definition of disability in the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Schools provide this information to education authorities.

Below is a fact sheet for parents relating to the NCCD Collection of Data.


Lines of Communication update

The Lines of Communication document was updated in June 2024. The following information was added;

Classrooms Teachers or Specialist Teachers (if during a Specialist session) are asked to contact parents on the day a (major) incident occurs. Should the parent not be available, a message wull be left and staff will communicate via email that an attempt to call the parent was made. The parent will be asked to contact the staff member the following day.

Minor and Major incidents relate to our implementation of School Side Positive Behaviour (SWPB). The Lines of Communication document has been updated in the newsletter tab for your reference. 


Partnering with Parents

The Raising Children website shares wonderful information to support parents raising children. The organisation has shared the following information regarding the Benefits of a strong parent-school relationship.

As a parent, you know your child better than anyone else does. Your child’s teachers will want to get to know your child too.

When you have a strong and respectful relationship with your child’s school and teachers, you’re in a good position to give them information to help your child get the most out of education. You and your child’s teachers can work together to support your child’s learning and wellbeing.

When everybody is working together in the best interests of your child, your child is likely to reap academic and social benefits, like:

  • regular school attendance
  • positive school results
  • a positive attitude towards school
  • good social and relationship skills
  • a sense of wellbeing
  • school completion
  • progression to post-secondary education like TAFE, university or an apprenticeship.
  • You can help your child get the most out of school by communicating and building relationships with teachers, other parents and students from the very first day. This is better than having contact with your child’s school only when there’s a problem, either at school or in your family.

How to build a strong parent-school relationship

You can build a parent-school relationship in several ways:

  • Say hello to teachers and other staff at school pick-up and drop-off times.
  • Ask teachers for information or feedback about your child, and share your child’s special events or achievements outside school.
  • Go to parent-teacher interviews and parent meetings.
  • Check the school website, noticeboard and emails regularly.
  • Be involved and help out in the school community in whatever ways you can.
  • Learn more about the school by looking at its annual report, website, newsletters and so on.
  • Go to school performances, school barbecues, cultural or music events, school fairs and parent seminars.

Not all parents can be involved in school as much as they’d like, but you can still let your child know that school is important to your family. Talking about school with your child, being warm and friendly at school events, and being positive about the school and its staff sends the message that you value education and are interested in what’s happening for your child at school.

Your parent-school relationship includes contact with school staff, as well as your relationships with other parents and your child’s friends. The parent-school relationship might change as your child gets older, or when things change at work or at home.


Child Safe

School Arrival times in the morning/departure times in the afternoon

Parents are reminded that students can be dropped off at school from 8.35am. Parents are to supervise their own children if arriving prior to 8.35am. Students who arrive earlier than 8.35am will be asked to wait in the foyer at the school office. Should children arrive early and be unsupervised on more than one occasion, class teachers will make contact with parents.

In the afternoon , students are dismissed at the following times:

3.20pm: A-K + students walking home 

3.30pm: L-Z students + students attending Afterschool Care

Staff are on duty after school from 3.20-3.40pm. Teachers will bring any students still on school grounds from 3.40pm to the office and parents will be contacted.

 From Term 3, parents of students who walk home are asked to provide a letter to the school indicating the day/s that the student is walking home. Students walking home are asked to walk directly home, rather than playing in the school yard.

We have staggered pick up times at the end of the day to help manage traffic. Parents who collect their child at a time different to the time allocated will need to put the request in writing for the class teacher.


Childsafe Volunteer Training

As you are no doubt aware we are mandated (without exemption) to provide training for all volunteers working in our school. It's a requirement that our staff and volunteers are equipped with knowledge, skills and awareness to keep young people safe through ongoing education and training. Training is required to be updated annually. 

All volunteers working in all school will need to have completed annual training prior to working with students at our school.


The Volunteer Training Session for Term 3 are listed below with the Webex links. You can also find the link on the Sentral Parent Calendar.Please be aware of when your annual training expiries and join one of the online sessions if applicable. 


Thursday 1st August (online) 5-5.30pm

Meeting number: 2652 393 5381

Password: 2J2vURRwpu7


Monday 2nd September (online) 5-5.30pm

Meeting number: 2650 477 8362

Password: NNpV3hSgc39


Cyber Safety Project

The 2024 Parent Webinar Series are available for our community as we partner with the team. The upcoming webinars are listed below for your reference, you can sign up for the sessions using this link

eSafety Commissioner

The eSafety Commissioner provides valuable support for students, teachers and parents. In this edition of the newsletter I'm sharing information regarding Getting help when your child is being bullied online. Learn how to support your child if they are being bullied online, including how to: 

  • recognise online bullying 
  • collect information about the bullying 
  • report online bullying. 

Here is a short video you can to support your knoweldge in this area.


Parent webinars - eSafety Commissioner


Understanding how to support your child with online gaming - Register here

This webinar provides an overview of selecting quality games, understanding how to reduce the risks of gaming and how to create better gaming habits.

It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and early secondary school.

Term 3 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

  • Tuesday, 30 July, 12.30pm
  • Tuesday, 3 September, 12.30pm

An introduction to online safety and emerging technologies - Register here

An overview of the opportunities and risks posed by emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, as well as generative AI (GAI). Enhance your family’s digital literacy, learn about the potential harms and how to protect your children online.

It's suitable for parents and carers of children in primary and secondary school.

Term 3 dates (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

  • Wednesday, 24 July, 2.30pm
  • Thursday, 5 September, 12.30pm

New Uniform items

We have new uniform items available at PSW, they are listed below for you. 

  • Puffer Jack (Junior sizes 4-8 $91, sizes 10-14 $91, sizes 16-18 $101)
  • WPPS Beanie - $18



Please do not hesitate to chat with me in regards to anything I have shared with you in this edition of the newsletter.









Adele Brice - Assistant Principal