Shining Stars, Week 10





Juliet MJules, you are showing courage to enter the classroom happily, and you are becoming confident in your learning because you are believing in yourself. I am super duper proud of you! 


Beau BBeau, you are working so hard in Prep B in all that you do. We love your 'never give up' attitude and willingness to try new things. 


Jack JFor being a super worker in Prep C. Jack inspires us all with his delightful reading, interesting writing pieces and being a caring friend to all. 
 Thanya PFor her amazing effort in reading. Thanya works hard every day to do her best and reads new words with increasing success.
 Jensen DFor a super effort in his reading group last week. He is developing his skills in sounding out and reading new words with lots of confidence! 


Bodie C-PYou have been shining in your learning lately Bodie. Showing your deep thinking and commitment to improvement. Keep up the great work buddy! 
 Lucy MLucy, you consistently give your best. You thrive with challenges and are always excited to learn. You are a delight to teach. 


Tillie BYour kindness and inclusivity towards all in our classroom shines bright each day and I admire the way in which you try to include all in your learning and games. 
 Jye EWe love your happy and kind nature, that you share with us all. You have shown that when you apply yourself in the classroom, the learning follows. Keep shining bright Jye. 


Henry MHenry, you have shown amazing creative writing skills this term. Your stories are interesting and enjoyable to read! Well done!


Jackson VYou are working so hard and with so much focus, Jackson. This is the recipe to your success! Well done! 
 Milla JFor showing others how important it is to be a caring and considerate friend to many, your inclusive nature is a great example to us all! 
    2BHarry MCongratulations for always being a cooperative, helpful and positive member of our class.


Christian KThank you for always displaying integrity, respect and honesty in our classroom. You are a role model to your peers. 
 Rory SI am so proud of the learning choices you are making and the effort that you are putting into each task. Keep up the great work and you will continue to achieve learning success. 


Sam P-WFor your respect and investment in your learning time. You have gorgeous manners and I appreciate your effort to do your best. 
 Antonio BFor your commitment to giving your best effort in both spelling and maths. Your positivity and perseverance are golden! 


Lexie AFor using exquisite vocabulary in all your writing, you capture our imagination every writing session! 
 Josh BYour approach and eagerness to succeed in maths is inspirational Josh, we love your hard work and effort. 
 Evie BYour warmth, positivity, generosity and kindness is adored by us all. Keep being your amazing self! 


Chelsea TChelsea, your positive and hard-working approach to all tasks is inspirational. Keep up the fantastic effort! 
 Xavier BXav, you have shown determination and perseverance in your learning- especially in writing. I am so proud of your efforts!  


Emmy BEmmy, you are just one of a kind. The way you care for others and consistently go out of your way to be helpful and supportive speaks volumes about your character. Thank you! 
 Alice SAlice, you have blown us away with your approach to learning! It has been so wonderful to see you step outside your comfort zone to challenge yourself. Go you! 


Sam JSam, what a shining star you are! Your focus, contributions in class and renewed dedication to your learning! Awesome! 


Sophie CSoph, thank you for noticing all the little things and making sure everyone in our class feels appreciated and valued. Your attentiveness and thoughtful actions make a big difference in our classroom. We are so grateful for the kindness you bring to 5B! 
   5COlivia RWe’re constantly impressed by your commitment to learning, kindness and willingness to help others! Thanks for being a wonderful leader in 5C! 


Jesse MThanks for never holding back on sharing your joy, jokes and laughter with us all, Jesse. Your commitment to pairing learning with fun makes for a better 6B. Keep it up!  


Oscar WOscar, I'm so proud of you for mindfully working towards your learning goals. I can see that it is helping you feel more relaxed in the classroom, and it is allowing your personality to shine. Keep putting your best self forward!
 Georgia CGeorgia, your personable, warm and easy going nature helps to build a sense of community in 6C. You ensure that everyone is included and you are a cheerleader for everyone in our class. Thank you for being a leader of kindness and connectedness.