Student Leaders

What a great semester we have had at WPPS! 


Lately, our grade 5 and 6 students have been busy in CBL, working and successfully finding new ways to embrace and promote Wurundjeri culture. It has been great to see how the different levels have responded to the Big Idea of 'Country' and we are proud of the learning we have all done this term. 


Recently, our whole school challenge has been to create a 'Deadly Door'. In this challenge, each class has been in charge of making their own unique 'Deadly Door'. This challenge is based of the Aboriginal adoption of the meaning 'deadly' - not in a fatal way, but as a way of saying 'awesome' or 'cool'. This is a part of our Reconciliation Week challenge, based on the Reconciliation Week slogan 'Now more than ever' and 'Keep the Fire Burning'. Every class has made a picture on their door representing Reconciliation Week. An Aboriginal elder called Arbup and his daughter, Kira, will judge their doors on cultural significance and, as you guessed, which one is the DEADLIEST!

Over the past few weeks, a group of twenty Wonga Park students from grades three to six, have been busy getting ready for the upcoming State School Spectacular! This is an event where a handful of students from a variety of schools travel into the city where they will perform at John Cain Arena. Here, they will perform a bunch of songs and dances for a whole day. In this process, the students have already started their rehearsals outside of school. This an amazing opportunity for our students to get to perform in front of hundreds of people, and with peers from other schools. Tim Phillips,  our Performing Arts teacher, organised this whole event for Wonga Park, and has been a huge part of the students' journey.  


Thanks for a great semester one, WPPS!