Grade 5 and 6

It's been an incredible last few weeks of learning for the 5/6s this term! We have concluded our Challenge Based Learning with a flourish and by all accounts, it was a resounding success - with the final day at Clifford Park, the Open Afternoon and our final school walk through!!


Clifford Park Celebration Day

What a day!! In fact, so many students said it was the best day of their life!! An exaggeration? We think not! The appreciation from the students was a testament to the amazing students in 5/6 who went out of their way to thank the teachers, chat about what they learnt and how much they enjoyed the day. It involved hut building, Challenge Valley and orienteering. All washed down with a sausage and a drink. Thank you so much to all the parents who helped make this day such a success.


Open Afternoon 

Wow! It was incredible to see how many families came to support their children's learning and the interest and care the adults took to make time to hear what all the students had learnt about. The projects the students were involved in were brought to life through their diligence, dedication and passion for their work. 

The art work that will go up at the front of the school was spectacular and resonated with so many parents. The seasons learning was a powerful reminder for all of us to care for Country and understand our local seasons. The native plants exploration brought learning around medicines, food, uses such as baskets and tea. The understanding gained through learning about the many varieties of Aboriginal games saw students understand how the origins of so many of our games including footy came about. The Songlines was a fascinating delve into Aboriginal story telling and map reading.



School Holidays

The 5/6 team wish all of our students and families a wonderful break. Enjoy the time relaxing, reconnecting, going on adventures and having fun. We are looking forward to sharing lots of fun and exciting times in the second half of the year.