From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,

The cold weather has certainly hit this week, just in time for the holidays.

It has been a long eleven week term, and so much has happened. It is no wonder everyone is feeling a little tired.

This term we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation, School tours, Information sessions and Taste of School sessions for prospective families, our Foundation and Year 3/4 students participated in their camp experience, there were incursions and excursions to support learning and our Mother’s and Special persons celebrations were a huge success.

Thank you to everyone in our school, staff, students and parents who have contributed to the success of all these events. I hope you manage to rest and relax and enjoy some time away from routines and the busyness of school. 


Staff News

Ms Maree Shields, our REL and Year 3 /4 teacher has unexpectedly resigned and will leave us on Friday 28th June. We wish Maree well in her new role. Ms Clare Curtis, who is well known to our students will cover year 3/4 M for the rest of the year and Ms Megan will continue her Tuesdays as usual.  Mr Chris Hewett will also join us in Term 3 & 4 as our PE teacher. Chris will be at school this Thursday and Friday to get to know our community. We warmly welcome both Clare & Chris.


End of Term Two

The term ends next Friday 28th June, school finishes at 1:00pm on this day.

OSHC is available and bookings are essential.

Term 3 begins on Monday 15th July.


Term 3 PL Day - Monday 19th August

On Monday 19th August there is a PL day for staff, there is no school for students on this day.  OSHC is available on this day, bookings are essential.


Casual Clothes this Friday 28th June

This Friday 28th June the SRC have organised a casual clothes day for the students.  They are raising money for outdoor play equipment, please bring a gold coin donation.

'Something to Think About'

This link will provide videos, advice sheets and conversation starters that help parents talk about online safety .

There are also webinars that tackle specific issues and the Term 3 and 4 schedule can be found here.