School Success Starts with Attendance

School contact details:
- Phone - (03) 8366 7700
- E-mail - `
We were excited to see all of the students back refreshed and ready to learn on the 15th of July.
Student Absences
It is important to be at school every day unless we are sick so that we can complete our best learning. The weather is colder and we do understand that there will be times when students are unwell, but being at school when they are well is most important.
Please remember to log into Xuno and explain your child's absence or send an email to:
Active Travel
This term there are a few initiatives that will be happening concerning active travel.
Firstly we are going to be officially opening our Kiss and Go station on Kirra Place. The trial has been going well and we are excited that we will be able to officially open it later this term.
The Year Three students will be participating in a trial Active Travel Passport in Week 8, beginning, Monday 2nd of September, with a whole school Active Travel Day on Friday 6th of September. Students and families are encouraged to actively travel to school each day by riding, scooting or walking. Being Active not only helps our health and wellbeing but also helps to reduce traffic congestion in the streets surrounding the school.
As these events are closer to the end of the term when the weather is a little bit warmer we will send out the necessary information at a date closer to the event.
Non-Attendance of School Approved Activities.
At Saltwater we are lucky to have a number of activities we can participate in that support our curriculum. These activities can be on site or off site but all incur a fee to attend. We understand that at times these activities may not be able to be attended, but if your child is not attending they are still required to be at school for that day.
For example if your child is not attending the athletics carnival, they will still be required to attend school on that day. If they are not at school the parent or career will be required to provide a reason for their absence.
The students who remain at school will have activities to complete that day based on the activity they are missing. This allows them to still have learning experiences in the curriculum area.