PYP Upcoming Exhibition

Dear Parents,
We are excited to invite you to the upcoming Year 6 PYP Exhibition, a milestone event in the Primary Years Programme (PYP) curriculum, scheduled for September.
This exhibition represents a significant moment in our students' academic journey, showcasing their skills and understanding developed during their time in the PYP.
The PYP Exhibition is a student-driven, collaborative project where Year 6 students explore real-world issues that are important to them. It serves as the culmination of their primary education, allowing them to apply their knowledge, skills, and creativity in a comprehensive and meaningful way. This process involves inquiry-based learning, research, teamwork, and presentation skills, all essential components of the PYP framework.
During the exhibition, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to conduct independent inquiry, apply critical thinking, and reflect on their learning experiences. They choose topics they are passionate about, investigate various perspectives, and develop solutions to address these issues. This empowers them to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand their capacity to effect positive change in the world.
At the heart of the PYP Exhibition are the essential elements of the PYP curriculum: knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes, and action. These elements guide the students in their learning journey. Knowledge refers to the understanding of significant content and facts that the students acquire. Concepts are the big ideas that allow students to explore issues from multiple perspectives.
Skills involve the application of research, communication, and critical thinking, which are crucial in investigating their chosen topics. Attitudes such as empathy, curiosity, and commitment play a vital role in driving the students' inquiries. Lastly, action represents the practical application of their learning, encouraging students to make a difference within their communities.
We warmly invite all parents to attend the PYP Exhibition to celebrate our students' achievements and witness their journey of discovery and learning. This event will provide a platform for students to present their findings and engage in meaningful discussions with the community. It's a fantastic opportunity for parents to see firsthand the depth and breadth of their children's learning and to support them in this significant milestone.
Stay tuned for more details about the date, time, and location of the exhibition. We look forward to welcoming you and celebrating the hard work and dedication of our Year 6 students.
Learner Agency
What is Learner Agency?
Learner agency is an intricate combination of students having a say in their experience (voice), an active part in the decision-making about their learning experience (choice) and they are personally invested in the process (responsibility). (Adapted from the work of Chris Harte and Summer Howarth in "Renegotiating learning in a hybrid world.")
Learner agency is about having the power, combined with choices, to take meaningful action and see the results of your decisions. It can be thought of as a catalyst for change or transformation.
Within a school context, Learner Agency is about shifting the ownership of learning from teachers to students, enabling students to have the understanding, ability, and opportunity to be part of the learning design and to take action to intervene in the learning process, to affect outcomes and become powerful lifelong learners.
- Students have voice, choice and ownership for their own learning.
- When students’ have agency, the relationship between the teacher and students becomes a partnership.
- Students with a strong sense of self-efficacy bring a stronger sense of agency to the learning community.
- The learning community supports agency and fosters self-efficacy.