Year Six

Dear Year Six Families,
Welcome back for Term Three!! The Year Six teachers were so excited to see all of our students faces in week one and hear about their school holiday adventures. We are even more excited about the upcoming term and all of the incredible opportunities we have for our students.
The start of Term Three has seen the beginning of our infamous Year Six Exhibition planning.
There is a buzz amongst the students and teachers as we begin talking about topics of interest. This is the ultimate opportunity for student agency as they begin selecting their own topics and planning their own Units of Inquiry.
We began by supporting students to choose a Transdisciplinary Theme and Central Idea as a lens for them to explore their own topic of interest. The students have been divided up into Transdisciplinary Theme groups to deeply explore the elements of the theme. Our Exhibition unit will continue throughout the entire term, enabling students enough time to plan and explore their own unit. The end result will be a museum like Exhibition and an opportunity for each of them to take action to support their cause.
The Exhibition will be opened up to the entire school and wider public community, including local council and politician members.
This term, our literacy focus is on information texts. Throughout this unit, we will be focusing on understanding the purpose of an information text and how the text might change for the intended audience. The Year Six students will also explore how to find authentic information texts and how to find relevant information. All of this work will further develop and strengthen their research skills which will not only be essential for their Exhibition work, but continue to build necessary life long skills.
In Mathematics, the Year Six students are diving into the world of fractions, embarking on an exciting journey to fractions, decimals and percentages. Fractions play a significant role in everyday life, from cooking and baking to budgeting and planning. By mastering fractions, our students are not only improving their mathematics skills but also enhancing their problem-solving abilities and critical thinking. Understanding fractions, decimals and percentages will also assist students in their Exhibition research as they explore and interpret statistics.
Melbourne Museum Excursion
The Year Six teachers are incredibly excited to announce our upcoming excursion to Melbourne Museum in Week Six. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to explore the exhibits to not only gain extra knowledge for their chosen Exhibition topics, but to observe the displays for inspiration for their own displays. This excursion has been carefully selected with a targeted purpose. It is an amazing opportunity not to be missed!
- MacBooks: Please ensure MacBooks are brought to school every day fully charged. Unfortunately due to OH&S reasons, students are unable to charge their devices at school.
- Mobile Phones: If a student brings a phone to school, they must hand it into their classroom teacher at the beginning of the day and collect it at the end of the day.
- Uniform: Students must be in full academic uniform every day, with the exception of their Year 6 polo shirt. On days with sports or PE, students can wear their PE uniform. Students are not allowed to wear other jumpers, or hoodies that are not Saltwater Uniform. Please reach out to Miss Grenfell or Mr Nicolaides if you have an issue having a school jumper during the winter months.
- Late Arrivals: Students arriving at school from 8:40 am must sign in at the office before going to class.
- Absences: If your child/ren are absent, please log this on Xuno as early as possible to avoid messages for unexplained absences.
Kindest regards,
Year Six Team