Year Five

Dear Year Five Families,
Welcome back to Term 3! It was fantastic to see all of our Year Five students back refreshed and ready to learn.
To start off term 3, for Literacy students have had the opportunity to be 'Adventure Agents.' They were taken on a learning journey where they were required to piece together the clues and information provided to crack the case of the Missing Mona Lisa! Students analysed witness statements, created Suspect Character Profiles, and wrote a persuasive piece to a judge requesting a search warrant. They also wrote a newspaper article about the investigation, leading in to our writing unit on newspaper articles that will be continuing through the term.
Students reviewed multiplicative thinking as they resumed mathematics in term 3, learning about factors and the multiplication of 2-digit numbers by other 2-digit numbers. We gathered data about student understanding of fractions and decimals in preparation for entering our next unit in mathematics on this topic.
Unit of Inquiry 4 is here! In this Unit Of Inquiry, students are considering the central idea 'Migration may be a response to challenges and opportunities.' Their attention was riveted by a provocation created by our very own Principal Ms Daniali, who shared her own migration story. Our students have begun to consider the push and pull forces of migration, and may ask their families about the journeys they or their friends have made to deepen their understanding of this topic.
- Camp:
- Group 1- Monday 22nd July- Wednesday 24th July
- Group 2- Wednesday 24th July- Friday 26th July
- Photos and updates can be found on the Schoolbox page for Year Five Camp.
- Laptops: please ensure laptops are sent to school each day fully charged.
- Late Arrivals (after 8:40am): Students must sign in through the office and obtain a late pass.
- Absences: Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by parents/carers.
- Waste-Free Wednesday: Every Wednesday, students are working together to create a waste-free environment. All students are encouraged to bring their food in reusable containers.
Thank you
The Year Five Team