Year Three

Dear Year Three Community,
Welcome back all the Year Three students to Term Three! It's been wonderful to see your smiling faces, ready for learning.
The Year Threes have started Dance lessons this week and have enjoyed their first session with Mr Haddad. Dance lessons will continue over the coming weeks for all Year Three classes.
In Reading, students have been learning about Reciprocal Teaching and how we can use this strategy to improve our reading comprehension abilities by predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarising the texts we read.
In Writing, students have been writing explanation texts. They have learnt that explanation texts are written to explain how something works or why something happens. Children were given agency to pick a topic of their choice to write and had so much fun doing so, presenting their writing in various ways.
In Maths, students have been continuing with developing their additive thinking, with a focus on learning different strategies in addition and subtraction, including the jump strategy on a number line, and the split strategy. Students have enjoyed applying these skills to a variety of addition and subtraction problems and it's been a joy to see them grow in this area of Maths.
In Inquiry, we recently started our new unit of inquiry where the Central Idea is, 'Technological advancements have transformed our interactions with the world.' Students thoroughly enjoyed our Provocation Day where which included a gallery walk to view technological artefacts from times gone by. The students' expression of wonderment and interest was great to observe and has set them up for an exciting unit ahead.
-Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPads to school every day.
-Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
-Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.
-Year Three Swimming Program is running from the 16th of September - 20th of September. This event is now on XUNO please approve and make payment by the 2nd of September,
-Please make sure all the student absences are recorded on Xuno and a comment is provided for it.
Kind Regards,
Year Three Teaching Team