
Dear Prep families,
Welcome back to Term Three! We’re looking forward to kicking off the semester with our wonderful Prep students and look forward to a fantastic time of learning, growth, and fun!
Our students have been busy learning about different text types, in particular procedural texts.
Procedural texts can be instructions or recipes. They explain how to do something step by step. For example, if you want to make a sandwich, a procedural text will tell you what you need and the steps to follow. First, it lists the ingredients (like bread, cheese, and ham). Then, it tells you what to do first, next, and last (like put the cheese on the bread, then add ham, and close the sandwich). Procedural texts help you know exactly what to do to achieve a goal. Our Preps have been revising verbs and how to use them in their writing.
In Reading, we are exploring the features of both fiction and non-fiction texts. Fiction is like make-believe; it tells a story that come from the writer’s imagination. Non-Fiction is like learning about the real world; it gives us true information about things that really exist.
This mix of activities is helping students to become better readers and writers as they learn about the features and apply the features to assist with comprehension of the text. We're excited to see their progress and how much they're enjoying their reading journey!
Unit Of Inquiry Three
In regard to our inquiry learning, students enjoyed crafting beautiful photo frames for their brought-in photos, and also delved into their cultures. Each student placed a photo on a map. One by one, they shared about their or their parents' countries, promoting discussion linked to our Unit Of Inquiry Three. Sharing where our families come from was a wonderful way to celebrate diversity and foster a sense of community among students. By learning about each other's cultural backgrounds and traditions, students gained a broader perspective and appreciation for different ways of life. This activity helped to build empathy and understanding, as students recognised both the unique and shared experiences within their classroom. Additionally, it provided an opportunity for students to take pride in their heritage, sharing stories that are meaningful to them.
In Maths, our Prep students have been actively engaged in number talks to practise their number knowledge. They have continued to learn about trusting the count, understanding that numbers have an order and sequence, and enhancing their counting skills. This hands-on approach is helping them build a strong foundation in numeracy. During LED lessons, students have been practising representing numbers in various ways, further solidifying their understanding and confidence with working with numbers.
In Wellbeing, our Prep students have been building their communication skills that will improve their relationships. They have also been learning to cultivate positive relationships by identifying individuals who can assist them with questions or problems at school, as well as those with whom they can share their successes. Students have been practising effective ways to initiate conversations when seeking help.
100 Days Celebrations
Our students have been busy preparing for the 100th day of school by decorating their 100-day white t-shirts. They’ve shown incredible creativity, using lots of paint and crafts to make their shirts unique and colourful. The excitement is building for Tuesday 30th of July! It's going to be a fantastic way to mark this milestone and showcase their artistic talents, in addition to celebrating by engaging in many fun activities.
- Please ensure your child’s iPad is charged and brought to school every day.
- Snack and lunch times are 20 minutes long. Please encourage your child to eat their snack/lunch within a 20-minute period, as this will help them to follow the school routine.
- Please remember to pack a spare change of clothes for your child. Sometimes, little children can have toileting accidents and spills at school.
- Prep 100 Days of School Celebration Tuesday 30 July. An array of celebratory activities will be held for our Preps.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered on XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.