Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
What glorious weather we have enjoyed this week! There has certainly been a sense of spring in the air and it is wonderful to see our students outside enjoying our natural play spaces. Engaging in play provides opportunities for our students to practice their social skills such as turn taking, negotiation, problem solving, perseverance and resilience. It is also a great opportunity to explore, be creative and take risks in a safe environment.
Term 3 Fee Statements
Thank you to families who continue to meet their school fee commitments through regular direct debit payments. Your regular payments allow us to plan our budgets for the learning and teaching programs for the remainder of the year. With a number of year levels attending excursions and incursions this term fee payment by all families is essential to cover these costs. A reminder to families not paying by direct debit that Term 3 accounts are now due. If you have questions regarding your school fee statement please contact myself or Erwin at reception.
Tomorrow is a Pupil Free Day for students as staff participate in Faith Formation. This professional learning is a requirement for staff who must maintain their accreditation to teach Religious Education to work in a Catholic school. On this day the staff will continue our learning from last year about the life of Mary MacKillop, Jesus as her model and how we can live by this example in our lives and as educators. A mid term long weekend may provide students with a chance to rest and reset for the second half of the term.
We look forward to our Book Week celebrations next week! A whole school book character parade will be held on the soccer pitch at 9:00am on Monday morning. Parents are welcome to join us.