Catholic Identity


Next Sunday’s Gospel refers to the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed.  These words of Jesus remind us that what seems to the world too small to matter, unimportant or unworthy of notice, has the potential to grow much like the mustard seed that grows into a tall, strong tree.  Jesus' parable prompts us to remember that the smallest act of faith can have a profound impact, growing into something beautiful and life giving.

Help me to remember
That sometimes all I need is faith 
As big as a mustard seed 
Let me to be for others a
Living Witness to the 
Kingdom of God
Enable my faith in You
To grow to be tall and strong
Like the Mustard Tree


As we know, attending Mass regularly is the best way to prepare your child to receive a sacrament.  It is also a crucial part of helping your child to develop a personal relationship with God, that they can carry with them throughout their life.

Families with a child celebrating a sacrament this year, are reminded to ensure that their child is getting their Sacramental Journal signed each time they attend Mass on a Sunday.  Should your child lose their journal, please contact the school office for a replacement. 


Throughout the year we have numerous School and Community Masses scheduled for St John’s.  Parents are warmly invited to join us for these celebrations.  Each term the dates are listed in the dates sections of the newsletter, but I would like to draw your attention to the final school Mass for Term 2.


June School Mass

We will be celebrating our final School Mass on Wednesday 26th June.  Parents are most welcome to join us at this Mass.


Community Mass Dates

Please click on the link below for the dates of all Community Masses this year:



Alpha is a safe space where one can openly ask life's BIG questions and not feel judged.  Alpha can help individuals explore topics such as life, death, faith and so much more.  A new Alpha Program will be starting shortly in the parish.  Please see the brochure below for more information.