HOY Update

Dear Parents and Guardians,


As we wrap up another fantastic school term at The Gap, we want to take a moment to thank you for your unwavering support and partnership in your child's education. We are incredibly proud of all that our students have accomplished and look forward to celebrating their successes as we embrace the winter holidays.


The upcoming break is a wonderful opportunity for students and families to relax, recharge, and spend quality time together. It is also a perfect time to introduce new practices that can benefit your children's well-being and development. One such practice is mindfulness, which can help children manage stress, improve focus, and foster emotional resilience.


To assist you in teaching mindfulness to your children, we are excited to share an excellent resource from The Resilience Project. This video offers practical and engaging mindfulness support specifically designed for teens. 

The Wellbeing Team would also like to offer you a few questions to help engage your child in speaking positively about their schooling experience.

We encourage you to explore these resources and activities during the holiday period and find what works best for your family. Mindfulness can be a wonderful way to connect, relax, and support your young person’s emotional health.