Student of the Week    

A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week 

Student of the Week

Visual Arts - Will 3C Will has shown great determination and perseverance in art.  He showed fantastic pride and integrity with his sewing and kept trying despite his frustration until he succeeded. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”.  Well done Will!

Chinese - Tiana 2B for her great participation and fantastic knowledge of numbers. She can name numbers from 0 to 99 in Chinese and reacted quickly! What a good learner she is! Well done!


5A - Jake for the constant sunshine you bring to our day. Jake, you are a student who thrives to do your best each day. You think about your work, explain your thinking so clearly and monitor your own learning independently. You are such a joy to have in the classroom and we love your cheeky grin and giggle! 

5B - Fatima for always trying her best and asking for help when she needs it. I am very impressed with how hard you are working this term, keep up the fantastic effort.

5C - Mya was chosen by her classmates for being caring and kind. Well done for being a hard worker, listening to instructions and always taking pride in your work. Keep it up! 


4A - Angelia for always applying her best efforts to her learning. She listens carefully and respectfully to others and strives to do her very best on every task. Angelia takes on challenges with a positive, ‘can-do’ attitude! Congratulations Angelia!

4B - Thao for showing our school value of Resilience. You have not let anyone or anything stop you from learning which I am so proud of. Keep it up!


3A - Jensen for displaying compassion and kindness towards his peers.  Jensen consistently displays our school value of ‘Respect’ by always being thoughtful, polite and well mannered. Good job, Jensen!

3B - Moses for always being kind and helpful to his classmates. You always have a go with a positive attitude. Great work, Moses! (From Ms. Thompson)

3C - Skylar for being a kind and caring member of 3C and for always being willing to help her teachers and peers. Well done, Skylar!


2A - Coen for working hard to learn how to tell the time to the minute, by talking about it at home and practicing constantly throughout the day. It’s great to see you enthusiastic about your learning!

2B - Andrew for demonstrating the value of pride by contributing to our class discussion during lessons on gender-based violence.


1A - Hunter for displaying pride in his learning by sharing his knowledge with peers during whole class discussions. Well done Hunter, keep it up! 


FA - Ameen for working hard to learn her red and blue words this term. Keep it up! 

FB - Matautia for demonstrating resilience. He was a good mathematician and often practised to improve his skills. This included using a variety of efficient strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems. Well done Matautia!


Highlighted Students

Lower primary: 

2A - Coen for working hard to learn how to tell the time to the minute, by talking about it at home and practicing constantly throughout the day. It’s great to see you enthusiastic about your learning!


Upper primary: 

5C - Mya was chosen by her classmates for being caring and kind. Well done for being a hard worker, listening to instructions and always taking pride in your work. Keep it up!