Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos
Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos
Hello Everyone,
Digital Learning
This school understands that the safe and appropriate use of digital technologies including the internet, apps, computers and tablets provide students with rich opportunities to support learning and development in a range of ways. Digital technology, if not used appropriately, may present risks to users’ safety or wellbeing. We are committed to educating all students to be safe, responsible and discerning in the use of digital technologies, equipping them with skills and knowledge to navigate the digital age.
When a student acts in breach of the behaviour standards of our school community (including cyberbullying, using digital technologies to harass, threaten or intimidate, or viewing/posting/sharing of inappropriate or unlawful content), Deer Park West Primary will institute a staged response, consistent with our student engagement and behaviour policies.
Unfortunately, we have had some instances where some of our students are purposefully disregarding teacher instruction around the safe use of their device during school time. Further information will be passed to the families of those students in the near future.
In the meantime, we are working with our students to remind them of their expected behaviours whilst being online and ask that families take some time to have a chat with their child/ren about this as well. Here is the link to our school’s Digital Learning (Internet/Social Media/Digital Devices) Policy to assist your conversation:
Digital Learning (Internet Social Media Digital Devices) Policy
You may also find some helpful information about talking with your child about online safety from the eSafety Commissioner’s website:
Teeth on Wheels
Teeth on Wheels will be visiting our school again this term to do their 6 monthly review and oral health education, starting on November 20th. If you have not used this service before at our school, please use the QR Code provided in the information section of this newsletter to register your child, before November 13th.
If your have already completed the form for 2024, you do not need to register your child again. If you have changed any of your contact information, or your child’s medical history has changed, then you are asked to complete the form again.
Pride and Integrity Raffle
This raffle, to recognize all of the students who are attending school on time, will continue this year. This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.
Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present on time, every day of the week, they will have 5 entries into the raffle.
Last week’s class winners were:
FA – Jackson, FB – Aekam, 1A – Isla, 2A – Legacy, 2B – Tiana, 2C – Tram, 3A – Sahel, 3B – Simon, 3C – Mila, 4A – Emelia, 4B – Uday, 4C – Azra, 5A – Naiomie, 5B – Levi, 5C – Ashmi, 6A – Jay, 6B – Jake, 6C – Gabi.
The raffle winner was Jake from 6B! Congratulations!
Jake received 15 PACs for Pride & Integrity
2024 Term 4 Challenge of the Week
Creative Thinking Challenges
This term, the challenge will be a variety of tasks that require you to think as broadly as you can. The more weird and wonderful, the better! You may need to draw designs and/or write words to answer the challenge.
You must collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry).
Students collaborating for week 2’s Challenge earnt a PAC each.
They were:
Alessio 3B (& mum & dad)
Yawer 4B (& mum & baba)
Shona, Vernika & Ethan 4B
Abigail, Azra & Aleks 4C
Week 3’s Challenge
Design/brainstorm as many different ways as possible that you could jump over a river.
Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Wednesday 30th October.
Kind regards,
Deanne Scott
Assistant Principal
Kind regards,
Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal