Principal's Report
Senka King
Principal's Report
Senka King
Vietnamese Parents Meeting
It was wonderful to catch up with our Vietnamese parents again this term. Parents explored the new playgrounds, and we discussed the different things that were happening in the school such as excursions and the new environment area being developed. We also talked about our camping program and the School Saving Bonus being rolled out in the new year.
All parents need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:
If you do not receive an email, please check your contact details at the office.
Foundation Transition
We had another successful transition session on Wednesday with children completing activities in the classroom and visiting the playground, which they love. Ms. Portelli read the book, The Hungry Caterpillar and made paper caterpillars by making chain-links. We look forward to seeing them again next week at the same time.
Year 1 Dinner
As part of our camping program, the Year 1 and 2 students get to stay longer at school to do activities and have dinner. Last week, the Year 2 children had their dinner and stayed until 6:30. This week, the Year 1 children stayed until 6 o’clock. It was wonderful to see the children having fun together and enjoying their pizza dinner. I am sure there will be photos and more details in the next newsletter.
These activities are really important to build the children’s independence, give them their own space away from siblings and to strengthen their friendships with their peers and staff members. Thank you to the Year 1 and 2 teams for their organisation.
A reminder that this week at assembly, we will be handing out the math certificates for those students who participated in the maths competition as per Ms. Portelli’s list in last weeks' newsletter.
Kindest regards,
Senka King