Learning and Teaching

SMCM Maths Learning
This week we celebrated the achievements of our proud SMCM mathematicians. 92 students from Years 3 to 6 participated in the contests run by the Australian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO). During Term 2 and 3, the participants completed four contests. In our Year 3 and 4 Explorer team, students worked together to solve problems in small groups. Our Year 5 and 6 students in Maths Games Junior and Olympiad teams completed the contests individually.
For the first time, we had four Year 4 students join the Maths Games Junior team who worked with their Year 6 peers. Our SMCM Olympiad team ended in the top 40% of over 1700 teams participating throughout Australia, New Zealand and internationally.
This Wednesday, all our participants were awarded APSMO certificates and some of our participants were presented with special awards for their great enthusiasm, improvements and teamwork.
Maths Explorer Team (Year 3 and 4)
‘Maths Star’ and Encouragement Awards were presented to:
Ivreen (Transport), Ricki (Epperson), Ava (Epperson), Gabriella (Esposito), Anabel (Esposito) and Noah (Communication)
Maths Game Junior Team (Year 4, 5 and 6)
‘Maths Star’ and Encouragement Awards were presented to:
Alicia (Cooper), Jonaz (Ando), Jack (Epperson), Joseph (Recreate), Thomas (Reinnovate), Madison (Gates), Luca (Reimagine), Johan (Reinnovate), Isabella (Recreate) and Sonal (Reinnovate).
Maths Olympiad Team (Year 5 and 6)
The Highest Individual Score Medal was awarded to Sebastian (Reinnovate) whose score was in the top 10% and achieved the highest score in our team.
Cruz (Reinnovate) scored the top 10% and Jesna (Reinnovate), Xavier (Reinnovate), Mitchelle (Recreate) and Elijah’s (Reinnovate) scores were in the top 25% of overall scores in 2024 Maths Olympiad Junior Division.
We are so proud of all the SMCM mathematicians for their achievements!
School Maths Coach and Maths Intervention Specialist
Learning & Teaching and Digital Technologies Leader