Principal Team Report

11 October 2024

Principal Team Report 

Dear MC Community,


Term 3 wrap up!

Term 3 is always a busy and exciting term in a secondary college as students in years 7 to 11 review their progress from the first semester and commence their planning for the following academic year. We were pleased to see the number of students and parents/caregivers attend the various information sessions that provided an opportunity to meet with staff and outside organisations to help determine the best subjects and electives they may want to consider. With our Year 12 students concluding their VCE studies and preparing for exams, we appreciate the importance of this decision-making process and encourage families to continue discussions at home about pathway options and interests. 


College Events

Throughout term 3 the talent and enthusiasm of our Mullauna students has shone through in a broad range of endeavours. One of the many advantages of belonging to a school our size is that when students show an interest or aptitude in a particular domain, they have a very good chance of being selected to participate whether it is in sporting teams, debating, music production, public speaking, music ensembles or leadership positions. Their choices aren’t restricted by being allowed to do one of a selection of opportunities, but rather students can be included in a variety of activities according to their interests and abilities.


The Mullauna College Facebook page is a fabulous way for parents and carers to see the richness of school life that our students experience week to week and year by year. In addition to this, the weekly Friday afternoon newsfeed from the Principal, Harry Ruff also provides an overview of key events, important information and reminders for the college community.


The annual themed music concert

Was held on 17 September, where the Music faculty conducted their major event for the year with their theme concert ‘Mullauna at the Oscars’. The concert was a glamorous event with an impressive selection of musical pieces performed with outstanding enthusiasm and enjoyment. Well done to all students who took the theme to the next level and dressed up in an amazing array of costumes. We were especially excited to see the newly formed college choir perform under the direction of Omar Moustafa who has worked tirelessly to prepare the students for their debut theme concert. Please check out our Facebook page for some great images taken on the night.


Thank you to our amazing Mullauna music staff, Peter Brodie, Kelsey de Prada, Jesse-Lee Mahler, Chanel Langdon & Sue Haylock, who are to be congratulated on their efforts. Many thanks to all other staff that assisted on the night and helped out in a variety of roles and special thanks to the Parent and Community Association for providing refreshments at intermission.


Learning Conferences

The parent, teacher and student learning conferences were held on Wednesday 18 September. We trust that these three-way conversations have stimulated discussion at home regarding student learning and potential areas for improvement. The partnership between the home and school is of paramount importance. Opportunities to discuss how we can each assist students in their learning are essential if we are to support young people to achieve their potential. Thank you to parents and carers, for your meaningful engagement in the Student Learning Conferences.


Division Athletics

Well done to all staff & students that represented the college at the recent Mullum Athletics event at the Ringwood Athletics Track. It was great to have close to 60 students represent the college and perform to their best. Please see the article in Links for more information.


Year 12 Exam Preparation Program

During the first week of these coming holidays, the year 12 practice exams will be conducted. The college employs the same supervisors to conduct the practice exams as we use for the GAT and Unit 3/4 VCAA exams. The practice exams and revision program will provide the Class of 2024 with invaluable preparation for the exams that commence on Tuesday 29 October. For the remaining 3 weeks of classes in term 4, students will review their exam strategies and continue to practice their skills in the leadup to this date. During this time however, there will be an opportunity for students, staff and parents/caregivers to celebrate the conclusion of their school journey with a final assembly with the school community and the Year 12 Valedictory held at the college on Thursday 17 October.


The message from all of us to the year 12 students in the coming weeks is to make sure that you find that essential balance between study and rest. Using the simple and effective strategy of a study timetable will help you to pace yourself and give you that reassuring feeling of having things under control.



Michael Bray, Jeff McMillin and Harry Ruff

The MC Principal Team


Coming dates:

Term 4 

Thursday 10th October – MSC Art Show opened. This may be viewed during school hours 8:30am - 4:00pm. (Monday 14 and Tuesday 15)

Saturday 12th October - Year 6 diagnostic testing day - NEW DATE

Tuesday 15th October – School Council meeting

Thursday 17th October – final day of Year 12 classes / Flame Assembly / Year 12 Valedictory

Friday 18th October – Year 12 Celebration Day

Monday 4th November (Cup Eve) - Professional Practice Day (student-free) 

2024-25 Headstart program: 

  • Senior classes (current Years 9-11) – Week 9 (2nd to 6th December) 
  • Junior classes (current Years 7-8) – Weeks 9 and 10 (2nd to 11th December) 
  • Year 8 Camp (current Year 8s) – Monday 9th to Wednesday 11th December 

Summer Program (current Years 7 & 8) – commences Week 10 (Thursday 12th December) 

Staff Professional Learning and Time in Lieu acquittal – Weeks 10 and 11  

Final Day – Friday 20th December (student-free) 


2024 Term Dates  

Term 1 - 29 January to 28 March  

Term 2 – 15 April to 28 June  

Term 3 – 15 July to 20 September  

Term 4 – 7 October to 20 December