Student Leaders 

News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award is given to a student who demonstrates one or all of our school values:    Community      Excellence     Respect

No Ignatian award this week.




Class Awards                 Term 4        Week  4

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning. We acknowledge collaboration and initiative as well

as resilience and kindness shown in their classroom this week.

GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



ThomasAlways trying your best … you are amazing!

Prep SV



JamesFor your growing efforts when working in small groups.

1/2  AS



OscarBeginning his narrative story with a sizzling start.  We look forward to reading about all of Alen the Kind Robot’s Adventures

1/ 2  DG



AkurFor your wonderful efforts in handwriting. Great work Akur! 

1/ 2 MB




For your outstanding work in Maths this week, tackling fraction worded problems with such skill! Keep up the fantastic effort Edison! 


3/4 TR



BaileyFor ‘whole body listening’ at camp when instructions were given. For being respectful and responsible and having fun at 3/4 camp.

3/ 4  SK



Michele Cossari




Aidan Johnson

You were a champion on Camp. Showing self management, respect and kindness to everyone. You should be so proud! Well done.


Aidan, you are a credit to yourself, you always show amazing respect and responsibility and that was shown to everyone on camp! Well done!

3/ 4  VA




For his willingness to help both his teacher and his peers on camp. You are always the first to help others and your kindness and positive attitude made our camp a fun experience for everyone. 

Thank you!

5/6  FA



Serena For supporting a classmate with her learning.

5/6 BOC










Miss Ayla

Johnny, we are so proud of you and how much you are challenging yourself with your learning. You are a very treasured member of our class.




Thank you Miss Ayla for all of your hard work with 5/6 BOC. Good luck with the rest of your studies!

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton 


Zara V. 1/2DG



For her confident and hilarious voice acting during “Wombat Wins”




Mrs Mcleary


5/6 FA

For showing great persistence in PE to now being able to ride independently in Bike Ed.


Mr Su



Prep SV

For showing beautiful learning manners during the Mandarin class, and great work in the speaking practice of new phrases
ScienceMs Colleen

Jordan prep AK


Wonderful collaborative work in bridge building
Visual Arts


3 /4 SK

Perseverance in mastering techniques in creating texture in artwork

No SRC Meeting this week.


If at any time you would like to chat about the wellbeing programs at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher, or myself. 


Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader